Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading I was emphasizing to the people how important it is to avoid temptations from the devil. I even went so far as to ask you to remove any body part that could lead you into sin. I kept saying that it is better to come maimed to Me, than to be cast into hell with all of your body parts. In the vision you see the devil setting snares like this spider web to trap you into sin. By keeping your focus on Me, and not being distracted by worldly desires, then you can avoid the devil’s temptations, and keep close to Me. In the first reading from St. James, he is showing you how some people come to hell because they worship their money and fine possessions, instead of worshiping Me. You are here in this world to know, love, and serve Me, and not just to accumulate money and possessions that the worldly people seek. Do not put your trust in gold or silver that corrodes, or your fine clothes that will be moth-eaten rags. In the end you cannot take your wealth with you to the grave, but even your body will turn to dust. It is your soul that is your most treasured gift, and you need to repent and seek My forgiveness of your sins in order to be saved. You will be starting Lent soon on Ash Wednesday, and the ashes remind you of your mortal body that will turn to dust. But you have an immortal soul that lives on forever, and you want to be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, a new leader in the Ukraine is now being tested by Russia as they occupied the Parliament building in Crimea near the Russian Naval Base. After the Olympics are over, Russia is moving quickly to support their interests in the Ukraine. It is unclear how much Russia will try to intervene. Natural gas lines, that are critical for Europe’s heating, go through the Ukraine. Pray that peace will prevail without any more killing.”
Jesus said: “My people, these unusually cold temperatures have caused your winter to have severe cold, snow, and ice storms. The one world people control the HAARP machine that can direct the jet streams to bring this cold where it is normally warmer. They have also used the HAARP machine to set up a high pressure area off the California coast that has prevented the rain from coming in. California has about one inch of rain instead of its normal amount. The California mountains also have little snow that is needed to irrigate their farms. Their fields are so dry, it is hard to grow crops. In the end, I will defeat these evil ones as they will be judged to hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I made you male and female for marriage to have children. Now, in addition to your abortions, your people are putting same-sex marriage on a par with the true marriage of a man and a woman. Your corrupt judicial system is claiming same-sex marriage is a right. In actuality homosexual acts are mortal sins, as are acts of fornication. These acts are an unnatural abomination in My eyes, and My faithful should witness against this sinful behavior. Your corrupt judicial system defends these sinful acts under a hate crime to prevent My faithful and pastors from speaking out against same-sex marriage. These people, who engage in these mortal sins, will still have to answer to Me at their judgment.”
Jesus said: “My people, this latest legislation in Colorado is allowing non-medical use of small amounts of marijuana, even though it can be an addicting substance. Some people in Colorado are pushing to collect taxes on marijuana sales, and set up business ventures to sell non-medical marijuana, which is illegal in most states. Allowing this use to spread among the people, could have dire effects on people’s driving and their health. This is just another sign of the degradation of America. Pray that your people will stop promoting non-medical uses of marijuana.”
Jesus said: “My people, you could start making some plans for some penances that you could observe during Lent. This is an opportunity to improve your spirituality as you try to work on some of your sinful habits. Some try to come to daily Mass and frequent Confession during Lent. Others try to fast between meals and avoid meat on Fridays and Ash Wednesday which is advocated by My Church. You may even do other penances as giving up sweets, or avoid watching TV. However you observe your Lenten devotions, let this Lent help you as you work on perfecting your lives.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of your Lenten devotions could be praying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays to honor My death on Good Friday. When you observe the words on My cross, you see how much I suffered for all of your sins in My scourging and My Crucifixion. The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity came down to earth so I could offer up My life in atonement for all the sins of mankind. My crucifixion shows you how much I love all of you that I would give up My life to bring salvation to all those people who believe in Me. This gift of My life is displayed on the large crucifixes on your altars, so you never forget My love for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when the ashes are placed on your forehead in a cross, the priest reminds you that you were made from dust and unto dust you shall return. This returning to dust shows you that your body is mortal, and all of you will die some day, and come to your judgment before Me. You do not know the day of your death, so you need to be prepared every day to die with your prayers and frequent Confession.”
Source: ➥