Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I asked My apostles who do they think I am? St. Peter was inspired by the Holy Spirit when he said: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ During My days of ministry, I did not want My apostles to reveal this to everyone. I told them that I would be killed by the Jews, and that I would rise from the dead in three days. This is why I became a God-man so I could die for all of mankind’s sins. So when St. Peter wanted Me to do differently, I told him: ‘Get behind Me, Satan.’ He was speaking from a human perspective of what he expected the Messiah to do. I came as a servant of My heavenly Father, with a mission of being an unblemished Lamb, meant to be offered up for your salvation. I am your Savior and your Redeemer, and no one would change My plan of salvation. I am also asking My faithful of today, who am I? Many souls have fallen away from their initial conversion, and they are more concerned with worldly things, than obeying My laws and loving Me. In order for souls to be saved, they must repent of their sins and seek My forgiveness. Unless you accept Me as your Savior and Redeemer, you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven. All souls, who reject Me and do not love Me, are on the path to destruction in hell for all eternity. My faithful need to reach out and bring My word of faith to all the nations, so they can evangelize souls for Me. You are all here to know, love, and serve Me in this life on earth.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you know how the previous leader of Iran wanted to blow Israel off the map. Not only is Iran threatening Israel, but they want to destroy America, who is the big Satan to them. Iran has already test fired a missile that could be sent to Israel. They are working on making several nuclear bombs. Iran also said it would send one of its frigates into the North Atlantic to threaten America’s coast for a possible EMP attack. Iran is a true threat that needs watching. Israel is ready to attack Iran on its own because of Iran’s threats. Pray for peace in this area.”
Jesus said: “My people, about fifty protesters have been killed in the latest riots against the puppet government in the Ukraine. There is a major disagreement with the leaders of the Ukraine, because the people want to be a part of the European Union, instead of being ruled by Russia. Russia is black mailing the Ukraine with credit to support their failing finances. Pray for these people of the Ukraine who are fighting for their freedom from Russia.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been getting bombarded by flares coming off the sun. The particles from the flares are causing the Northern lights to appear more in the Northern skies than before. In other events, a large asteroid, the size of three football fields, came within a million miles of the earth. You are seeing these celestial events, even as you are talking about the blood red moons that will occur on the Jewish feast days.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing another bubble building in your overpriced stock market. Your Federal Reserve has been printing billions of dollars of Treasury Notes per month that have pushed up your markets artificially. When this source of money is taken away and interest rates begin to rise, this could create a stock market crash. The one world people are looking for an excuse for martial law, and such a created crash could send your country into bankruptcy. If such a crash occurs, this could trigger a takeover of America by the one world people, and My faithful will need to leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are many people who are dependent on Social Security and welfare payments from your government. When there is not enough money to pay for these checks, then you could see riots for food and places to stay. This could be caused when there is not enough tax money being collected to pay them. This again could trigger a martial law that will send My faithful to My refuges for protection from the Antichrist. Have your backpacks prepared to leave for My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, My faithful need to be aware of the Masons and occult people, who are being allowed into My churches, and they could change My Church. Do not follow these teachings that worship crystals and things instead of worshiping Me. When any church follows New Age teachings, you need to leave that church. I have told you that you will not travel to all the towns of Israel until I will come with My victory over all of the evil ones. Trust in My protection at My refuges, where you will have all of your needs satisfied.”
Jesus said: “My people, the persecution of Christians will get worse until you will be despised and singled out as second class citizens, much like the Jews were persecuted in Germany. There was evil and occult worship among Hitler and his leaders. Today, many of your leaders are also involved with the occult and demon worship, as seen in Bohemian Grove, California. They worship gods, and they are planning how to exterminate all the Christians. Be prepared with your backpacks so you are ready to leave your homes for My refuges. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to have My angels bring you to the safety of My refuges with an invisible shield.”
Source: ➥