Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel reading you are acquainted with the healing power of My touch upon people. The lady with bleeding problems was healed because she had faith that I could heal her by touching My clothes. An even more miraculous healing occurred, when I called the dead young girl to rise, and she was brought back to life. When you were conceived in your mother’s womb, I gave you a soul and a guardian angel, as I breathed life into your spirit. Regardless of what people say, your soul is created as an immortal spirit that will live on forever, even beyond the death of your mortal body. I touch all of you in a special way, even on your face between your nose and your mouth. I also come to My faithful in My Real Presence in Holy Communion. Then I touch your soul with My intimate love, as I love all of My creatures, even the ones who turn away from Me. It is My wish that all souls will love Me in return for granting them their gift of life both in body and soul. I call all of you to accept Me, and be with Me for all eternity in heaven. Do not listen to the lies of the devil because he can only call you to fleeting earthly pleasures, and hell fire forever. My call is more rewarding because I love you, but the devil hates you.”
Jesus said: “My people, your average family is finding it hard to find jobs that will make enough money to pay for a home, a car, and living expenses. Most jobs that are available now, are usually low wage, and not many have manufacturing jobs. There are fewer workers paying in less money to support your Social Security and your welfare state. Your government is still over spending its budget of $3 trillion by a $500 billion deficit. Your recent stock market has declined since your Federal Reserve is cutting back its quantitative easing. Your supposed recovery is in its fifth year, and the Federal Reserve bankers are still bailing out your banks, and holding interest rates artificially low. Your economy is better for your corporations, but your workers’ wages are decreasing in total household income because of jobs that have been exported. Pray for your struggling workers who are forced to carry all of your non-workers in your country. If your workers keep decreasing, you will be forced to cut back on your welfare handouts. Many of your non-workers could find work if your corporations did not exploit cheap labor abroad. If you want more jobs, then the incentives to export jobs should be restricted.”
Source: ➥