Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Tuesday, October 22, 2013: (Blessed John Paul II)

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware that by the sin of Adam and Eve, all of mankind has inherited original sin and all the consequences of this sin. This is why you have to die, and it is why you are weak to committing sin. I did not leave mankind orphans, but I promised all of you a Redeemer. This is why I was incarnated as a God-man. Through My Blessed Mother, I was born into this world so I could offer Myself up as a perfect unblemished sacrifice. This is how I could ransom all of the souls of mankind in the past, present, and the future. By the grace of My death on the cross, I can offer all of you the salvation of your souls, and I can offer you the opportunity of coming to heaven. If you open your hearts and souls to Me in love and follow My Commandments, then I will open the gates of heaven to welcome you to your heavenly reward. The Gospel speaks of having your soul always purified by frequent Confession so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment, whenever you should die. I want all of you to be prepared, even if you should die this day. By keeping your soul pure, following My Commandments, and performing good deeds for your neighbor, you will be found worthy of heaven. Of those souls who are saved, some may have to be purified in purgatory. This is why I ask My faithful to pray for the deceased and have Masses said for their souls. In this way souls can be released from purgatory for heaven. I love all of you so much that I died to save your souls. All you need to do is accept My gift of salvation, and follow My Will.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about some priests who committed pedophilia acts on young boys. There also have been men caught molesting young girls of all ages. It becomes even a worse crime when parents or other relatives have sex with young girls or young boys in their own family. Sometimes these molestations are kept secret, but some family members suspect this behavior, or the child could reveal it to some member. The parent or relative should know their actions are sinful, and they should have it forgiven in Confession. Pray for the children who are molested, so it does not harm them later in life when they get married. If this incident happens often, it could damage the children’s trust in their parents or relatives if it is allowed to continue. Pray for your children that they are not abused by anyone. These little ones are precious in My eyes, and I do not want to see them harmed in any way.”

Source: ➥