Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday, June 30, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how Elisha was called to be Elijah’s follower. Elisha had to leave his family after he prepared them a meal from the oxen that he killed. He was not coming back. Similarly, I also called people to follow Me, as My apostles, and they left their families immediately. I was making a point in the Gospel that following Me, and carrying out your mission for Me, is of primary importance to answering ‘yes’ to Me. All of My priest sons and nuns are answering My call to minister to My people. I am also calling deacons and some prophets to carry out My mission. When you give your ‘yes’ to Me, you are committing yourself to My service in helping My people. Teaching My Good News and evangelizing souls is the most important job that you could be called to carry out. Seeing people accepting the faith, is very rewarding to be able to help save souls from hell. You also need to pray for all sinners, especially your own family members. You can see after years of serving Me, how important it is to help save souls from hell.”
Source: ➥