Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, May 24, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have two beautiful readings on friendship and on marriage. In the reading from Sirach there is a story of how a good friend is a true treasure of great value. Some people are friends when you share money with them, but when the money stops, they quickly leave. Other people may be friends when things are going well, but when you are sick or in need of help, they drift away. A true friend will stand by you in adversity, and help you in times of need. This is why such a friend is a treasure indeed, and they are usually God-fearing people that share your love of God and neighbor. The Gospel reading is when the Pharisees asked Me if it was acceptable to have a divorce in a marriage. They told Me that Moses allowed a man to write a bill of divorce to his wife in order to marry another. I said to them that Moses wrote such a law because of their hard hearts. I created a man and a woman to be married, and no one should break that union. For those who can accept My teaching, a man and a woman who divorce to marry another, commit adultery with other people. Even in your own day, My Church allows annulments on grounds of abuse or where there is no intent to have children. In this case even such annulments are given freely without much effort to prove a case. Your people would rather divorce with an annulment, than try to work out any difficulties to save the marriage. Your hearts are just as hard now as the people of My time on earth. In fact your society is even more morally corrupt because most of your couples do not even get married, but they live in the sins of fornication. Blessed are those couples who remain married a long time, who are husband and wife.”
Jesus said: “My people, man’s criteria for a proper church design is different from Mine. Many church designers are doing their work to make themselves look good, instead of making a church to give Me the glory. In the newer churches you are seeing less statues, and even My tabernacles are being placed in back rooms so you cannot even see Me. I am the main guest in My churches so you should have Me placed in the center so everyone could give Me praise and thanks. Many churches are also lacking a large crucifix on the altar, so people can appreciate how I died for their souls out of love for them. Remember when you come to church that you are coming to give Me praise and honor, and not just the designer.”
Source: ➥