Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages about the need for My refuges during the end times of the tribulation. I used Moses and his staff to perform miracles to protect My people from the Egyptian army, as the Egyptians were drowned in the Red Sea. During the Exodus I fed the people with manna and quail in the desert. When the people worshiped the golden calf, many of these people were killed for disobeying My Commandment. I am the only One worthy of your worship. During the coming reign of the Antichrist, you will see a modern day Exodus where I again will protect My faithful remnant from being killed by the one world people and their followers. I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges, and they will shield you from the evil ones by making you invisible to them. You will also be fed daily Communion by My angels, and with deer for meat. At the end of the tribulation, you will see My Comet of Chastisement kill all of the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell. My refuges will be miracles of protection that will be guarded by powerful angels. Believe in My refuges because this is how I will defend My faithful from the evil ones of today, even as I defended My people in the Exodus from the Egyptians.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, Juliet’s Gospa Prayer House is a refuge and it has been a refuge for some time according to several messages. Recently, there has been some circumstances that have prevented a conference from taking place. You are even having some expansion before the refuge time. If it is possible, you could ask your authorities what conditions would allow a conference to take place. Continue to pray for a solution to this problem including some novenas.”
Jesus said: “My people, Donna was using her faith well in blessing their buildings with blessed salt. As a result, they have seen the apartments fill up with more tenants. The assessment problem is still creating a cash flow problem if there is no change. All of your decisions and problems could be given over to Me in prayer and novenas. You were witness to My help in the past, so keep faithful to Me in your prayers, and I will help you in your troubles.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have been to New York City to see where this commitment was made by George Washington at St. Paul’s Church. You have seen in this story of ‘The Harbinger’ how there are many parallels of Israel’s exile to similar happenings in America. I have given you many messages of how important it is for America to repent of its sins. Unless America returns to Me, your country will be repeating the same story as Israel and the Roman Empire. Learn from history, or you will repeat it with your own demise.”
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Flame of Light that came over the apostles on Pentecost. Many faithful people have become a little complacent in standing up for their faith. I am coming to inspire you with My fire of love so you can see clearly why it is necessary to fight for your freedom of religion. You need to be a witness of your belief in the laws of God by living your faith in your actions. Do not seek the safety of following the crowd, but step out in faith to tell people when they are violating the Commandments. This is why you want to strive to save souls from hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, your recent attack on religious institutions for not giving out contraceptives is just the beginning of even more attacks on your churches. You have seen hate laws where you cannot even preach that homosexual acts are serious sins. Many religious freedoms are under attack in religious buildings that accept Federal aid. Soon your political views will threaten your tax exempt status in your churches. You may even see your churches closed for not going along with the new world order. Prepare for many persecutions to come, even as you have seen in Russia and China. Pray for My help at your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are well aware of the unusual warm winter that you have had, and some have seen less rain and snowfall than normal. Pray that your farmers will receive enough rain and irrigation needed to grow their crops. Many violent storms have upset farms with your latest tornadoes. The success of your farmers means that you will have enough food to eat. If they cannot grow a full crop, then your food will be expensive and scarce to find. This again is why I have asked you to store one year’s supply of food for a coming famine. You will share what you have, and I will multiply your food so all of you will have what you need.”
Source: ➥