Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, February 20, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012:
Jackie said: “I am happy to be free as the birds that you are seeing because of the suffering which I had to endure. I am with My Jesus, even as I suffered with Him on the cross as a victim soul. I want to thank E. and all of my care givers for helping me in this life. I will be praying for them and My family. Having a free spirit is such a release from all of the demands of this earthly body. One day you will all appreciate this freedom as well. I love you all, and keep close to my Jesus.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have demons among you in the masons within My Church. It is My Light that will expose who they are, and I will cast them out of My Church as I cast out the demon from the young boy in the Gospel. You will see a division in My Church between the evil schismatic church and My faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be possessed by demons, and they will teach New Age which is an abomination inside of My Church. Once these elements are divided, I will no longer be Present in the Masses or tabernacles of this schismatic church. My faithful need to avoid these false teachings and idol worship that is not of Me. By their works and false worship, you will recognize them. Call on My good angels to defend you from the demons in this evil church that will teach sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. Trust in Me to give you discernment of the evil ones in My Church before this split. Those, who proclaim false teachings, are not to be followed in any heresies, no matter how high they are in My hierarchy.”
Source: ➥