Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, My Presentation in the Temple was according to Jewish custom that blessed the first born male. This was a remembrance of the male Jewish babies that had to be killed when Moses was spared. I am showing you a Baptism because by My death on the cross, each infant is cleansed of original sin in Baptism. You are bathed in water to symbolize this cleansing of sin. The godparents receive My Light when they light a candle from the lit Easter Candle. This is another sign that I am the Light of the world that dispels the darkness of evil. Simeon was present as his promise of seeing Me was fulfilled. He prophesied to My Blessed Mother that a sword would pierce her heart when I would be crucified for mankind’s sins. You also celebrate the blessing of candles that are used in your services to again affirm that My Light is among you. The sanctuary candle is a sign of My Real Presence in My Hosts in My tabernacles. Rejoice, when you celebrate My Kingship, even as you saw the Magi bring Me gifts honoring Me as a King.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Presentation in the Temple today. Both Simeon and Anna came to give honor to My Presentation. Simeon said: ‘Now you can dismiss your servant since the promise given to me has been fulfilled.’ He also prophesied that a sword would pierce the heart of My Blessed Mother. He could see how I would suffer on My cross for My people. It is difficult to receive ominous things to come that are hard to accept. Even your messages have prophesied a difficult tribulation where many will suffer, while My faithful would be protected at My refuges. Trust in My words as they are coming about as I warned you.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the false New Age religion which actually worships earthly things and not Me. Idol worship of the sun, moon, stars, earth, and earthly crystals is dangerous because it draws people away from loving and worshiping Me. I am your Creator and only I am worthy of your worship. Refuse to follow this New Age movement in the schismatic church. Stay close to My apostolic teachings of My one true Church.”
Jesus said: “My people, beware of the coming Antichrist and of the false prophet who will try to draw you away from Me by lies and appearing miracles. The tribulation will see the Antichrist come with demonic powers that could mislead even My elect. Call on My protection and My angels to protect you from looking at the Antichrist’s eyes or listening to his enticing words. This evil one is an imposter of My coming. You will need to come to My refuges where you will be safe from these evil ones. Be grateful that I am having blessed souls provide these safe havens for My faithful.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you die, it is only the body that dies, because the soul lives on forever. This is why it is so important to plan the destination of your soul which should be directed to Me in heaven. To gain heaven you need to give your free will over to My Divine Will so I can come into your soul. Follow My Commandments, pray for souls, and do good works for your neighbor out of love. By following My plan for your life, you will be on the narrow road to heaven. I love all of you and I desire that all souls would love Me in return.”
Jesus said: “My people, to the worldly souls your allegiance to Me will seem foolish in the eyes of the world. You will face such criticism because when you please Me by your good deeds, the worldly will call you religious fanatics. Do not be concerned about what others think because you know in your heart that you are doing the right thing to save your soul, and the souls of others. This criticism will become more violent in the persecution of your very lives. This is why I am leading you to My refuges of protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, these death camps are real with gas chambers and crematoriums. Do not fear these things because My power is greater than all of the evil ones combined. You will not need physical weapons to defend yourselves because I do not want you to kill others to save your own life. My angels will be your shields, and they will fight the evil ones for you. They will cover you with an invisible shield so the evil ones will not be able to detect you. Trust in Me completely, and I will provide for your needs as I have done in the past and right now.”
Jesus said: “My people, have no fear and be at peace because you will only suffer this persecution for a short time. I will never test My faithful beyond their endurance. I will also shorten this time of tribulation because I know the weakness of your flesh. By putting your full trust in Me and following My directions, you will be rewarded in My Era of Peace which will be very beautiful in every way. Be ready to suffer your Good Friday with Me on the cross, so you can gain your Easter Sunday with Me in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”
Source: ➥