Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I talked about how St. John the Baptist led the way to follow Me. He called for repentance, and he baptized people who wanted to change their lives. This is why in the vision you see a path of water in a rut that is directed to Me. I also mentioned how the spirit of Elijah was with St. John in leading him. Many prophets in the Old Testament pointed to Me as the coming Redeemer. Now in this Advent Season leading up to My celebration of Christmas, you can rejoice that I came as a man to save everyone from each person’s sins. This is a joyful time before the feast of My birth so you can share your love with Me and your neighbor. Families come together to share a meal and gifts as well. For family members who live far away from each other, it is a welcome home coming to see everyone again. Just as St. John the Baptist kept his focus on Me, remember to keep your focus on My birth as the true reason to celebrate Christmas.”
Jesus said: “My people, gambling can turn into an expensive addiction that could drain a family’s means for survival. I have told you how demons are attached to these addictions, and that is why they are difficult to break. Because gambling addictions can be so harmful, it is an atrocity that your governments promote gambling at off track betting parlors and casinos. This is so they can get income from the taxes. These people in government do not realize the harm gambling can do to people because they are only interested in the income. The desire of greed for what appears to be easy money hides the fact that the odds for winning are always designed for the house to win. It is the excesses of bad habits that can lead to addictions as gambling or drinking. I have warned you in past messages not to allow anything to control you so you can have Me to lead you. If you keep holy in prayer, then these demons of addiction cannot get a hold on you.”
Source: ➥