Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011: (Our Lady of Sorrows)
Jesus said: “My people, this scene at My cross was one of My Blessed Mother’s seven sorrows and one could feel the love of our two hearts as I was saying good-bye to her in My death. I gave her over to St. John to take care of her, but I was also announcing that My Blessed Mother would be the mother for everyone on earth. She indeed treats you all as her children, and she places her mantle of protection over you. I died on the cross to redeem all of your souls, but this experience of My death was very traumatic for My Blessed Mother to lose her son. There were many other sorrows that she had to endure, but the human experience of life is always full of trials and life threatening events. Life is very fragile, and sickness and death are a part of every life. When you are suffering the trials of life, you can offer it up and pray to Me and My Blessed Mother because we sympathize with your problems as we both had to endure these same trials. Even though there are sorrowful moments in everyone’s life, people still need to have hope and joy in My victory that will allow everyone to have the opportunity to come to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you how necessary it will be to have an independent source of water at every refuge for drinking, bathing, and cooking. Some refuges have man-made ponds, lakes, rivers, or wells. If there are no sources of water, I will enable springs to form as at Lourdes, France. I will be multiplying your food, and I will also multiply enough water to fulfill your needs. Water is necessary for your survival, and that is why a good water source is needed.”
Jesus said: “My people, pictures are a unique freeze frame of people at a point in time. Since time passes rather quickly, it is good to save some pictures of various events in your life. Some save wedding pictures, graduations, First Holy Communions and baby pictures. If you have some younger pictures in your twenties or thirties, you may recognize such pictures if you were able to see a soul body at someone’s funeral. Your soul body keeps the same age throughout your stay on earth. Looking back through your old pictures will give you a preview of your life review at your death or at the Warning.”
Jesus said: “My people, these trumpets from heaven are announcing to the earth that the coming events of the end times are about to take place in the coming tribulation. Have your soul ready with frequent Confession so you are ready to meet Me at your Warning or your death. Many keep wondering and asking if the Warning is going to come. I assure you it will happen before the Antichrist comes to power. The more that you have your soul ready, the less that you will suffer in your Warning experience. Trust that I will bring My Warning so you can have converts in preparation for the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, at My refuges you may have some fruit trees that will have plenty of fruit. You also can plant vegetables with your heirloom seeds that I asked you to buy. By having various foods multiplied and the deer provided, you can have well balanced meals to keep you healthy during the tribulation. I know your needs, and I have advised your refuge leaders what to stock up on for your survival. Everyone will be working in your refuge community so you can share your skills and trades to help keep people alive. There will be no people sitting around wasting their time. I will be multiplying your food so you can stay at your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, the target of the evil ones during the tribulation, will be to kill all Christians and patriots. Those people, who are captured, will be killed with gas chambers and guillotines in the many detention centers located across America. I will warn My people to leave for My refuges before the men in black will come looking for you. Give thanks and praise to Me for protecting you at My refuges and preparing your souls for the end times.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will need to have some tents and blankets ready to take to My refuges. When you first come to My refuges, it may be necessary to use your tents until the angels can provide your buildings to live in. I have told you before when people first come to My refuges, they may be anxious if there will be enough food and shelters. Once they see My miracles of food multiplying and buildings being multiplied, they will calm down. It is important to be quiet and trusting in Me for all of you to be able to live together.”
Jesus said: “My people, I assure you that guns will not be necessary because My angels will be your protection with their shields of invisibility. If the evil ones cannot see you or track you, then they will not be able to kill you. Just as I blinded the people of Sodom and Gomorrah to protect Lot, so the evil ones will not see you as well. But you will be able to see each other. As for the meat that you will need, I will have deer come and drop dead in your camps so you do not have to shoot them. In the old Exodus I brought the quail into the camps and they dropped dead also. So trust in My protection because I do not want you killing people for your defense.”
Source: ➥