Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this weekend you are celebrating your Labor Day holiday. As you see people working in the fields in the vision, work helps put bread on the table and pays your bills. The American worker has been suffering hard times when manufacturing jobs are being sent abroad. This is why your country will be returning to farm life and service jobs. Even as you think about physical labor, there is also a spiritual harvest of souls. When I called My apostles to serve Me, and today when you need more priests and evangelists, it is still an appropriate response to ask for more laborers to convert people. (Matt. 9:37,38) ‘The harvest indeed is great, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into His harvest.’ There is always a need for more vocations to the priesthood, so My people should be praying for this intention. Your priests need your support as well both financially and in your prayers. There are also evangelists and prophets who help bring people to conversion. Even miracles of healing have helped bring souls to Me. Rejoice in the blessing of having a job and also in working to save souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, to those parents who have children and grandchildren, you should be thankful that I have invited you to be co-creators in bringing your children into this world. You have brought them physically into the world, but I have placed the soul of life into each of your children. When you see each child, as they are born, you are awed by the miracle of My creation. It is also miraculous how each person is unique with his or her own special talents, specific to each person’s mission. You love your children so much, and you would do anything for them in helping them. Remember that as you are responsible to feed them and educate them, you are also responsible for their souls as well. This means that you need to teach them the faith, and watch over their souls, even after they leave your house. It is important to pass the faith on to your children so they can pass their faith down to their children. You should also look out for the faith of your grandchildren as well. Some times the parents are not always responsible in teaching the faith to their children. This is when the grandchildren could be taught the faith by their grandparents. Saving the souls of your family is most important. So pray for all of your children, grandchildren, and relatives both when they are alive, and even after their deaths.”
Source: ➥