Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision of the Gospel My apostles were awed by seeing Me walk on the water. St. Peter called out to Me that if it was really Me, he wanted Me to ask him to walk to Me on the water as well. At first St. Peter by faith began to walk on the water, but seeing the violence of the sea, his faith faltered and he began to sink. I then lifted him out of the sea into the boat, and I calmed the storm. My apostles had never seen anyone who could walk on water, let alone calm the storm. It was these miracles and others that helped My apostles come to believe in My Divinity and My powers as a man. This lesson of having faith in My power to help My faithful is the point that I am making in bringing salvation to all mankind. You have seen Me die on the cross and then I rose on the third day. This was My personal sacrifice so My Blood sacrifice could be worthy to save all of you from your sins. If you believe in My power, then give your will over to Me so your faith can save you. Just as having faith in Me can heal your bodily sickness, so your faith in Me can also heal your soul.”
Source: ➥