Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011: (St. John Vianney)
Jesus said: “My people, in these two readings there are human errors and Godly miracles in the use of wood. In the reading from Numbers, Moses was asked to strike the rock with his staff in order to provide water for his people in the desert. He struck the rock twice instead of once, and his error cost him traveling into the Promised Land. I still provided the miraculous water so the people and their herds had water to drink. In the Gospel I had just commended St. Peter for saying that I was the Christ, the Son of the living God. I then made St. Peter the rock upon which I would build My Church. When I prophesied that I would die on the wood of the cross and rise on the third day, then St. Peter did not want this to happen. He became an obstacle to the salvation of all mankind, so I called him Satan in his human error. My apostles were thinking as man does, and not as God does. My miracle of salvation did occur despite many obstacles. Be grateful that My ways prevailed over man’s ways.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the master plan of the one world people is to control all nations and unions through their debts. Another part of their plan is to have all currencies devoid of any backing by silver or gold. This enables governments to print money out of thin air so they can be controlled by their debts. It is the fear of countries not paying their bond holders that has triggered your recent stock market sell off. It is just a matter of time until many of your countries will be forced into bankruptcy. This will begin a set of dominoes falling that will cause a world depression which will allow the evil ones to take over. Fear not at that time when I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people of America, your divided government has now established a precedent for making budget cuts when the debt limit is raised. Your politicians are playing brinkmanship with your bond holders in threatening a default on your payments and shutting down your government. America needs to control its over generous entitlements before they either run out of money, or bankrupt your country. Without controlling your deficits, you will fall into the trap of the one world people.”
Jesus said: “My people, your increased oil and gasoline prices have created a drain on the income of many families. Without cheap gasoline, your economy could be threatened by the high cost of transportation. This is why a good flow of fuel is necessary for the top few economies in the world. This is another cause of concern if the flow of Middle East oil is shut down by wars in these countries. America needs to develop more energy sources so you are not held hostage to your dependence on oil. Pray that your politicians will allow more development of your own energy sources so you can become less dependent on foreign oil. Such work could also provide more American jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your politicians realize that your jobs are being taken overseas, especially in manufacturing. This is a part of the reason for your high unemployment rate. If you changed your laws to discourage companies from sending jobs overseas, then you would have more American factory jobs. You allow foreigners tax privileges to provide jobs in the U.S., but you do not give the same breaks to your own companies. The one world people are trying to eliminate the middle class, and shipping good jobs out of the U.S. is part of their plan. These evil ones will pay for their crimes when I will return.”
Jesus said: “My people, My heavenly Father is grateful for those who are honoring His feast by their novenas to Him. Whenever you pray to one Person of the Blessed Trinity, you are praying to all Three of Us. Keep your prayers coming because this is one way that you can communicate your needs and desires to Us. By praying to Us, you are showing your confidence that We will answer your prayers in the best way to help your souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, St. Anne and the saints in heaven are pleased with your pilgrimages and prayer requests. With faith in My healing power, there are many healings granted to My faithful. When you come on pilgrimages, it shows your belief in My powers, and the intercession of many of My saints. You gain graces with every pilgrimage because you are offering up your time and money to make these efforts. Continue to send your prayer requests for sinners and your sick people.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you read the lives of the saints, you see how they desired to live humble and quiet lives with a total focus on following My Will in their lives. That is why it is fruitful for your own spiritual lives to try and imitate their virtues and their example. You will see when you live your life to please Me, it will take away all of your pride and desire for earthly things and earthly pleasures.”
Source: ➥