Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011: (First Holy Martyrs of Roman Church)
Jesus said: “My people, there are two accounts of today’s healing of the paralytic at Capharnaum. The one account that was read at Mass was in Matthew(9:1-8). The second account is in Mark(2:1-12) and it explained more how the friends of the paralytic had to bring him through the roof of the house to get through the crowd. When I said: ‘Take courage son, thy sins are forgiven you.’ the Scribes thought I was blaspheming because only God in their eyes can forgive sins. I explained to them that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, and then I healed the paralytic. Many of the Scribes and Pharisees did not want to believe that I was God Incarnate, or they would have understood where My authority came from in forgiving sins and healing people. In most of My healing miracles, I healed both the body and the soul, and that is why I forgave the man’s sins first. The first reading about Abraham is also powerful in that he was willing to offer his only son to God as a sacrifice that I had requested. His hand was held back, and he offered a ram instead. This is similar to how I also was God the Father’s only Son, and I was given up as a sacrifice for all of mankind’s sins. Another similarity is how Isaac carried the wood on his back up to the altar. I also carried the wood of My cross up to the hill of Calvary, and I was sacrificed on the cross.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this sign is truly one of My coming Warning that is getting closer every day. You are seeing many natural disasters occurring, but still your people have not changed their sinful lives that are even getting worse. You have been reading of Sodom and Gomorrah, and America is also crying out for My justice. The people need My Warning experience to wake them up spiritually to see how they need to change their lives of sin. When you come before Me in your life review, you will see where you are headed. This experience will change many lives, and create a strong desire for Confession. Have your soul constantly purified to be prepared for this spiritual cleansing.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of you have a set number of days on this earth. This is why it is important to use your precious time wisely in letting Me lead you to accomplish the mission I have given you. Many are concerned with focusing on their own activities without allowing Me into their lives. Call on Me for your daily agenda so you can spend your time working for Me, more than for yourselves. I love all of you and I want you to love Me and your neighbor. When you do acts of charity out of love, you accomplish more than doing things just out of obligation. Allow Me to walk with you in all of your activities, and I will guide you on the right path to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times My people make their own projects, and they start out without praying first. You have seen how you have more difficulties in doing things on your own. I have asked you many times to consult with Me in prayer first when you are discerning your work projects. Pray for My help before you start, and you will see how much more you can accomplish with Me helping you. After any successful conclusion to your work, remember to thank Me for helping you. You cannot do anything without Me, so recognize this in everything that you do.”
Jesus said: “My people, you honor many of the saints’ feast days, but you also should try to follow the good example of their lives by imitating their work. The saints should be your models to follow, which is why reading their saintly lives would be educational for your spiritual lives. It is not impossible to live a holy and saintly life, but it requires hard work and My help to avoid temptations and follow My directions. Even imitating My life of love would be another good example to follow. Do not be satisfied to just make it into purgatory, but strive to be in the higher levels of heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you think of rest usually in terms of resting the body in sleep. There is also a spiritual rest that only I can satisfy. Many find this rest in the spirit when you receive Me in Holy Communion, when you are before My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration, or when you pray your rosary or are in contemplative prayer. Just as you rest your body at night to renew your bodily strength, so you also need My spiritual rest so you can renew your strength to fight the devil’s temptations. Any time, that you spend with Me, will be much more fruitful than the time that you spend on worldly concerns.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the morning you offer up your good works to Me, and at night you should take some moments to contemplate your actions of the day. Any faults that you committed can be forgiven, and you need to learn from your mistakes. From time to time you need to confess your sins at least monthly, and even sooner if you have any mortal sins. If you do not make time for this nightly recollection, then you are missing an opportunity to improve your spiritual lives. Also, if some people give you some good advice on how to change your life, do not dismiss it, but learn from how people view your actions. The closer you come to Me in letting Me lead your life, the more I can give you the grace to be holy.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are constantly seeking greener pastures to enrich themselves in this world’s possessions. You do not need the latest gadgets, new cars, or new homes. It is sufficient to live a simple, holy life with only the necessities to live. This life is too short to spend most of your time seeking out earthly possessions. Be satisfied with your daily lot without seeking more than you need. Focus more on helping others and sharing your wealth, time, and talent. By having the right priorities in life centered around Me, you will be rich spiritually which is more valuable than earthly wealth.”
Source: ➥