Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011: (Palm or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s long Gospel reading of My Passion you see the close parallel between the lamb’s blood that was offered as protection, compared to My Blood that is offered to save all souls. The last plague against the Egyptians was when the angel of destruction slew the first born of their people, and even their animals. It was the lamb’s blood of this Passover that protected the Israelites from their first born being killed. Now, in My time on earth, I fulfilled My mission by offering up My own Blood for all the souls of mankind. So when My people come to My judgment, you will have My Blood on your soul. I will pass you over, and you will not be condemned to hell, but I will welcome you into heaven. Those, who do not accept Me as Savior and Master, will refuse My Blood of redemption, and they will be cast into hell by their own choosing. Pray for all sinners that they may be converted to accept My gift of salvation, and that they may be saved in heaven from being lost in hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see an emotion filled movie, it deals more with love that touches your heart. Other movies of effects, bad language, and violence do not touch the heart with love. This movie pointed out to you how strong the love ties are between the parents and their children, even in the case of adoption. I am using this example also to emphasize the love between Myself and My created people. I am infinite love, and I have demonstrated this love the most in how I took a human nature upon Myself so I could die as the perfect sacrifice for all of your sins. I love all of you, even if you reject Me in sin. I leave the door open to My Heart when you return to Me in Confession seeking My forgiveness. Even loving parents accept their children back when they go astray. A loving being, as Myself, is also seeking you to love Me as well from deep down in your heart by your own free will. You show Me your love in your prayers and when you make special visits to My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or Adoration in the monstrance. You can also show love for Me when you love Me in your neighbor by helping them. Sometimes just talking and listening shows your love for people when you care about their lives and families. You can share this love in visiting the elderly, the sick, or even those in prison. This life is too short not to make an effort to show your love for others, and especially to love Me.”
Source: ➥