Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011: (St. Katharine Drexel)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a blind man who had great faith that I could heal him. Until you see a handicapped person, you realize more how fortunate you are to have all five of your senses in sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. It is when you have lost one of these senses that your body adjusts to enhancing other senses to make up for that loss. Give thanks to Me that you are able to use your given senses, and have compassion and help those who are less fortunate. In addition to the possibility of physical darkness in being blind, there are some people who are blind spiritually who are living in the darkness of their sins. There are some people who purposely refuse to accept Me as atheists do, but there are also some people who ignore My Presence or are lukewarm to going to church on Sunday. My faithful also should give Me thanks that they are living in the Light of faith. This gift of faith is not to be kept under a bushel basket, but faith should be like a bright Light that you put on a lamp stand for all to see and appreciate. My love reaches out to everyone, and I depend on My faithful to evangelize souls and invite them to come and know Me in a love relationship. By spreading My Word of love in conversions, you will receive a reward in heaven for saving souls from hell.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have allowed you to see this life form of a body in purgatory that was thanking you for your prayers. The soul that you heard on the camcorder is that soul. Many times you pray for the souls in purgatory and you do not always have any information of how you are helping these souls. When you pray with the persons’s name, as Eugene in this case, your prayers are even more effective in moving this person closer to getting out of purgatory. Keep praying for these souls as they will pray for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you look at land from far off in this vision, it does not take long until you are entering a cave for a refuge. This scene is an indication that the time for coming to My refuges is not that far off. The one world people are behind stirring up your recent world events that could have implications on your future oil supplies. When you see a coming world famine, mandatory chips in the body, and martial law, it will be the time to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, your state governments are mandated to have balanced budgets. One of the expanding expenses are pensions and benefits that are very expensive and unaffordable, even compared to the private sector. Public employees will be asked to take some benefit cuts or many employees will have to be laid off. Welfare and Medicare will also have to face cuts to balance the budgets. Pray for the people that they can get by with these cuts.”
Jesus said: “My people, your Republican and Democrat lawmakers are pushing harder decisions down the road, but within two weeks they will have to agree on a budget up to October. There also will be another vote on extension of the ceiling of the current National Debt. The sooner that your Congress people can agree to cutting some of your spending and increasing some taxes, the less deficit that will be added to your debt. It is your interest bill and entitlement obligations that are slowly moving you to insolvency. You only have a few years to turn this around before you will be bankrupt.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your people had higher expectations than what actually happened. There were many spiritual healings during the Conference, but they were not obviously seen by everyone. It is only after some calls have come in that you are now hearing of people’s personal experiences. Even those, who did not have unusual experiences, were uplifted by the speakers and what they had to say. Listening to these talks could help more souls, as the fruit of this Conference is still being harvested. Give glory and thanks to Me and thanks for the people at Gospa who made this possible.”
Jesus said: “My people, I usually advise you to start planning what you intend to do for this upcoming Lenten Season. You may choose a particular penance by giving up something that you enjoy. You may want to attend daily Mass, read the Liturgy of the Hours, or read some lives of the saints. Lent is a time to work on improving your spiritual life, and it is a good time to examine what sins in your life need to be rooted out. Such an examination is the first part, but actually suffering through this process is the hard part. Even harder is to keep your resolve to improve throughout the whole Lenten Season. Pray for My help because any improvement will bring you closer to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of some of the suggestions in the messages at the Conference that you were asked to bring home in your experiences and share them with your friends. You may have received some insights that you may wish to witness so others could be comforted in your experiences. Everyone is at a different level in his or her spiritual progress, so what may seem possible for one, may be too difficult for another. Remember with Me, all things are possible. So when you ask My graces to help you, you may indeed be able to achieve more than you thought you could do.”
Source: ➥