Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday, December 31, 2010: (Paul Macaluso’s Funeral Mass)
Jesus said: “My people, it is a very sad occasion when parents have to bury their younger son, as Paul. This vision at a deli meat counter was how Paul loved to eat and share with his family. A sudden and unexpected death is also hard on the family who wanted to hear his last words. My Blessed Mother and I met Paul when he died, and he was met also by his deceased relatives. Paul sends his love to all of his family and friends. He is in a peaceful place, but he asks all of you to have Masses said for him. He will be watching out for all of you. Paul was grateful for all the prayers that were said for him, and also for those who were instrumental in allowing him Confession, the last rites, and the scapular. He wanted you all to remember him by visiting his grave from time to time.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen movies before, but when you get to know the actors behind the scenes, it adds depth to how these actors can perform. My people are also actors on the stage of life, but you also know the actors in your life and how you fit into their life experiences. Movies are run by a script, but in real life there is no script. You are all asked to be the best that you could be. Everyone has their own talents, but I call all of them to use their talents to carry out the mission in life that I have called them to accomplish. You all have to pick up your cross and carry it with Me. Share your suffering with My suffering on the cross. By following My laws of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself, you will gain eternal life with Me in heaven.”
Source: ➥