Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, it is one thing to picture yourself in the casket of a funeral as you should be prepared to meet Me at your judgment every day. As you look at the collages of the deceased’s life, you see through all the years how they fit into the family’s activities. Picture your own life’s collage through the years in all the good and bad experiences of your life. I am trying to get you to review your life because you are going to face your unforgiven sins in the Warning experience that is coming soon. You will be so moved by your contrition for your sins that you will truly understand how much your sins offend Me. People, who have had a near death experience, seek Confession as quickly as possible. The Warning experience will enable you to remember every unconfessed sin in your life. You can prepare for your Warning by making a good Confession with a good review of your life beforehand. You should always be conscious of struggling to improve your perfection every year. At some point during the year, as at the end, it would be good to compare where you are now spiritually to how you were at the beginning of the year. With a good recollection of your thoughts, you could make some resolutions how to improve your life for the coming year. By working on changing your habitual sins, you could come closer to Me in your perfection. See that you improve each year instead of falling back into your old sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you recognize immediately the meaning of this spinning kaleidoscope as a part of the life review that everyone will see in their Warning experience. You also are astute to know that this is the third Warning message in the last few days which is another indication that the Warning day is getting close. (12-4, 12-2) I am trying to have My people prepared in their souls for what you will face in your Warning experience. By going to frequent Confession, you can minimize any unforgiven sins that will be emphasized to you in your Warning. Pray for many souls to be converted and forgiven in this Warning. My grace of forgiveness will be offered to every sinner, but I do not force My love on anyone. I will show you your sins and how much they offend Me. It is up to your free will to have a change of heart and seek My love forgiveness. Coming in front of Me in My Light to review your life, may be a traumatic experience, but one that is necessary to wake up people out of their sinful behavior. Once you return to your bodies, you will have a strong desire for My forgiveness and a desire to make Me the Master of your life. Catholics will desire Confession to a priest, while others will seek My forgiveness in their own way. Be thankful that you are being alerted to save your soul and follow Me, instead of following the Antichrist. Do not take any chips in your body, and do not worship the Antichrist, nor look at his eyes.”
Source: ➥