Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, October 1, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010: (St. Therese of Lisieux)
St. Therese said: “My dear son, I am happy to greet you again, and to help you in your mission. I know that you have many responsibilities in your earthly duties and your spiritual duties, but Our Lord has reminded you several times that it is so important to do your minimum prayer time. My prayer time with Jesus was always a joy, and much more desirable than my earthly duties. At times you may feel pressured to do so many things, but it is important to keep peace in your soul and carry out your tasks as time permits. Do not overburden your day with more things than you have time to accomplish. Always limit your objectives to something that is achievable, and do not worry about something that you did not have time to do. Be able to ask Jesus to discern what are the most important tasks to do first. If others try to change your discernment of order, just tell them that it is on your to do list. Getting frustrated at what to do first, or how to find enough time to do everything, should not cause you to lose your peace. Make the best discernment, and do what is needed most. You will never accomplish everything, so do not let the evil one try to rush you and upset you. I pray for you in your mission, so call on me in your needs with prayer.”
Jesus said: “My people, My daily Mass people and My faithful adorers at Adoration are the core of My prayer warriors that I depend on the most for prayers and evangelization. These are My special souls that will have a great treasure in heaven for all of their hours of Masses, rosaries, and Adoration. These souls have a deeper love relationship with Me every day. Once you go beyond your duty of Sunday Mass, you truly are called to share all of your life with Me in your daily troubles and activities. I want My faithful to keep your focus on Me in loving Me and helping your neighbor out of love for Me. When you give your will over to Me in all that you do, then I can use your work to save more souls. Give praise and glory to Me every day, even as My angels and saints give Me homage in heaven every day. The closer you come to Me, the more you are preparing for your life with Me in heaven.”
Source: ➥