Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading it speaks of ‘The eye has not seen, and the ear has not heard what has been planned for My faithful.’ This is a description of the joy of being in heaven. A time is coming when everyone will have an illumination of their conscience in the Warning experience. In the vision you are seeing how people will be traveling at a fast speed through glass tubes until they see Me in a great Light. These people will be experiencing a supernatural intervention of God in their lives. They will see their life reviews and have a taste of their mini-judgment. A few will experience the beauty and love of heaven, while others will experience a taste of purgatory or hell. Then they will be returned to their bodies with a strong desire for Confession. This is My Divine Mercy that will give every sinner an opportunity to see where his or her soul is headed, and a chance to change their lives with repentance. If souls still refuse My grace, then they will be held more responsible for their actions. Remember the words of the Gospel in that those who have been given more, more will be expected of them.”
(God the Father Feast) God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here, and I am showing you My Son born into the world because I sent Him as a sacrificial Lamb for the forgiveness of your sins. This is why you are seeing the Nativity Scene in the vision. On My Son’s feast of the Transfiguration you heard My words: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to Him.’ Wherever you see My Son in the Eucharist, you are seeing Me also because Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and I are One God in Three Persons. Even when Jesus was on the earth, you heard Jesus speak: ‘The Father and I are One. When you see Me, you see the Father.’ This was in answer to St. Philip when he asked Jesus to show him the Father. Thank you for celebrating My feast day today. Whenever you pray the Our Father prayer in your rosaries, you are giving honor to Me. Thank you also for naming your prayer group in My honor. Give praise and glory to the Blessed Trinity when you pray your ‘Glory Be’ prayer and when you make the Sign of the Cross.”
Source: ➥