Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, before the distribution of Holy Communion you strike your breast three times and pray this prayer of the centurion: ‘Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.’ This is an act of faith that you believe that I can heal your infirmities and bear your diseases. When you pray over people for healings, you are calling on Me to heal not only their physical problems, but also to heal their spiritual problems as well. When you call on My Name, and the people believe that I can heal them, they will be given graces for healing both the soul and body. This faith of the centurion is the faith that I pray that all of My faithful could have and live out in their lives. When you walk in faith, you are giving everything over to Me in full trust. Sometimes you may think that you do not have to ask My help in all that you do, but then you are frustrated in your trials. Walking in faith is when you call on Me every day in your morning offering to have Me help you in every little duty of your day. By accepting everything that I test you with during the day, you can live in peace and bear your trials gracefully without complaints. You need My help every day and you should depend on Me for providing for all of your needs. I know what you need, and I ask you to follow Me in all that you do, even as My apostles followed Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you these sheaves of wheat because this wheat leads to the Bread of Life that is consecrated at the Mass. First the wheat is cut and placed in some stands in the field to dry out. Then the wheat kernels are separated from the chaff and the tares. The wheat is gathered into My barn and the chaff is burned in the fire. This is another picture of the judgment when My faithful will be rewarded and gathered into My barn of heaven. Then the evil ones will be like the chaff as these souls will be thrown into the fires of hell. I call on My faithful to evangelize as many souls as you can, so you can save some souls that would have gone to hell. This wheat, stored as grain, can be stored in pails for use in the end times. Once it is ground into flour, then the flour has a shorter keeping time. Some people have stored grain with a small grinder so you can grind what you need to make bread and unleavened hosts for use at Mass. When consecrated, this bread is truly My Bread of Life, and you cannot have eternal life without Holy Communion. As you praise and adore Me in My consecrated Host, you are receiving My graces for believing in My Real Presence. You feed on My Host at every Mass and you can have a time of intimacy with Me in My peace and love. Give thanks to Me for giving you Myself in My Eucharist. I love all of you so much and I make it possible for all of you to be with Me at any time you can visit My tabernacle when a church is open. Rejoice in the gift of My Eucharist and the gift of salvation that I have gained for you by dying for you on the cross.”
Source: ➥