Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, it took some time, discussions, and discernment until My apostles could accept Gentiles into My Church. No longer did new converts have to follow all of the Jewish traditions. They still had to repent of their sins and follow My Ten Commandments of love, but not circumcision. I came to fulfill the Law and not to take anything away. But I also died for all of mankind so that everyone can be converted, no matter what their past religion or ethnic background is. Even the word ‘Catholic’ not only refers to My Church, but it means universal, meaning that anyone can join. The only basic requirements are to repent of their sins, accept Me as Master of their lives, and obey My Ten Commandments. You also have My sacraments which include confession of your sins to My priests. The disciples, especially St. Paul, were happy to work in converting the Gentiles to the faith. Even today, I encourage My faithful to evangelize all souls without any discrimination. This is why I sent My apostles out to all the nations to evangelize souls for My Church.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, at your prayer group you are very faithful in praying My Divine Mercy chaplet. You are familiar with the graces from My Divine Mercy devotions. You also have St. Faustina’s Diary and you have read the promises for those who pray in the presence of My image. It would be good for you to acquire a reasonable sized picture for display at your prayer group and in your home. You remember how Stanley had such a picture in his ministry. Also reread to the people the graces for praying in front of My image.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know that some of you come to daily Mass and even a few make daily visits to My tabernacle. I thank you for all of your devotions, but I desire you to pray your rosaries with more fervor and not just worked in simultaneous with your other duties. If you are to pray to Me from the heart, as I requested, then you need to have your full attention on Me in a prayerful position as on your knees. It is more important to pray with fervor and slowly than to just say the words in haste. Remember that when you are praying to Me, you are giving Me your words of love.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know from your trips to Medugorje that My Blessed Mother has requested fasting on Wednesday and Friday. You have made attempts to follow this request, but over the years you have been a little lax in a true fast. Even fasting between meals without eating sweets would be a good start with only one main meal. I am reminding you of these things that I taught you, and it would be a good practice to return to your initial fervor.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you make some time to pray to Me, especially in front of My tabernacle, make a point to alternate between your Bible and the Liturgy of the Hours. Remember also to take 5 or 10 minutes of silence in your contemplative prayer so I can talk to your heart. If you are to strive to be holy, you need to read My Word and listen to My personal instruction for each of your missions.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you all were doing well with your Lenten devotions. You can help your spiritual life by using some of these devotions throughout the whole year. On Friday you should pray My Stations of the Cross or My Pieta prayers to St. Bridget. Make an emphasis on your morning and night prayers. Maybe reading your Imitations of Christ for a few pages would be helpful. I know that you have other obligations, but if you try, you can make more time for Me every day without doing things that waste your precious time on earth.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all are going to have a life review at death and hopefully if you live to see My Warning. You can take stock of your daily life right now and see how much time that you give Me each day. If you start adding these extra devotions to your day, even for a short time, then you will not be embarrassed when I review each day with you. The closer you are to Me in your spiritual life, the easier it will go for you at your judgment. Keep focused on Me and you will be better able to fight off the temptations of the devil.”
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you formed some good prayerful habits and I have reminded you several times that you could do these things the year round. Think of your whole life as on a pilgrimage to your eternal destination. In other words you will be judged on your actions during Lent as well as during the rest of the year. This is why you need to keep your guard up against sin at all times. It also means that you should cleanse your soul regularly at least monthly at Confession, and not just when you commit a mortal sin. By keeping your soul pure, you will always be ready to meet Me at your judgment.”
Source: ➥