Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a heart is all about the unconditional love that I have for all of you, as evidenced when I died for you on the cross. No one can have a greater love for another than when one offers his or her life for that person. This Adoration of Me at Benediction is the love that I receive from you when you give Me praise and glory in My Real Presence. When you come before My tabernacle and genuflect before Me, you are giving reverence to your God and Master. When you pray your rosaries for your intentions, you are speaking your words of love to Me. When you give donations or do good deeds for people, you are saying how much you love Me in your neighbor. You need to tell Me every day how much you love Me, as you know that I always love you, even despite your sinfulness.”
(Christ the King Shrine’s Anniversary) Jesus said: “My people, I gave the keys of My Kingdom to St. Peter as the first Pope of My Church to be its leader. By My power I have guarded My Church from the gates of hell throughout the centuries. I am showing you this vision of My Pope son because I am calling on all of My faithful to pray for Pope Benedict XVI. He and My Church are being persecuted by your media. You need to support all of your Church leaders, but especially with this latest criticism. I also want My faithful here today to pray for the approval of this Shrine as many have worked for this cause and have been dedicated to this Shrine. I thank all of you for faithfully honoring this Shrine on this anniversary and for all of your prayers for your intentions. My Blessed Mother and I are blessing all of you this day. Thank you for all of the honoring of the statues and preparations that have been made here as well. Heaven is very happy with your work here.”
Source: ➥