Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Thursday, April 29, 2010: (St. Catherine of Sienna)

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see many beautiful flowers and these flowers perform a beautiful function in nature. They are a pleasure for viewing, but they also provide a means for developing your crops. The bees, that you are also seeing in the vision, not only are making honey, but they also fertilize nearly one-third of all of your crops that have flowers. This is why shortages of bee colonies have become a serious problem for your farmers and those with orchards. When man changes your plants by hybrids, you are interfering with nature in not making good seeds and upsetting this fertilization process. This changes your food and can cause more cancer and other diseases. It is better to use organic and non-hybrid crops to keep My balance of nature. In the spiritual world it is My grace that fertilizes your souls so you can be fruitful in your good deeds. Even when I directed man to be fruitful and multiply with future generations, I also want you to multiply your good deeds so others can see and imitate your good works. Strive to work in harmony with My Will both in your physical world and in your spiritual lives.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, when Rome was attacked, the Holy Father had to flee. Then there were three claims to be Pope, and it was St. Catherine the Great who brought the true Pope to be established in Rome. The other antipopes had to leave. St. Catherine helped guide the Church with her writings and she became one of the few women doctors of the Church. Give thanks for her life and her contributions to the Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, no matter how many spring seasons that you experience, the beauty of My flowers of creation are still breath-taking. Even as a photographer, you are awed by this beauty every year. Continue to give Me praise and glory in every part of My creation that you admire. By sharing your pictures and movies, others can appreciate what you see each year.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are never lacking in prayer petitions because you are seeing many people die from various causes, and others are sick and in need of operations. Pray for these people who are having a hard time to bear with this life. I never test you beyond what you can endure, because I give you enough grace to get through each trial.”

Jesus said: “My people, those, who are sleep deprived because they went to bed too late, will have to pay for this the next day when it is difficult to do everything with strength. Sometimes people also get lazy or sleepy in their spiritual lives as well. You can get repetitious even in your prayer life. But when you skip your prayers and stop going to Sunday Mass, you can grow weak in standing up to temptations to sin. This is why you need retreats or new experiences to invigorate your faith. Pray for My help that you do not fall lax in your religious fervor.”

Jesus said: “My people, as you struggle to evangelize souls, you need to be well read in your Scriptures and be ready to answer people’s questions. As you teach your faith to others, you are learning as well how much I love you and those that you are trying to convert. It takes courage in your faith to go out and preach My Word to the people. One thing, that you need to watch, is that you practice what you preach, and let others see that you are living your faith in your actions.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have well manicured lawns, gardens, and their houses are immaculately clean. These people are very conscious of their outward appearances in dress and their cars. My question is how clean is their inside life in their souls? I criticized the Pharisees for having good outward appearances, but inside they were like dead men’s bones. I make the outside as well as the inside, so be careful to go to frequent Confession so your souls are as pleasing to look at as the outside of your body.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of your businesses are doing much better with their earnings because they have stripped themselves lean of some workers. Once they are doing better, it would help if they stopped being greedy for more profits and shared this money by hiring unemployed workers. Many corporations are benefitting from low interest loans and less taxes, yet they do not seem to want to share their earnings with the unemployed in their contributions to this worker insurance plan for the unemployed. Pray that as your economy picks up, that more people will find it easier to secure a job.”

Source: ➥