Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
(St. Angela Merici)

Jesus said: “My people, My parable about the sower of seed is all about how people receive Me in My Word. When I was on the earth, the people only heard the parables without the explanations that I gave My apostles. But today My Word in the Bible is available to everyone who wishes to read it in various languages. The seed in the parable is the Word of God, and how it is received, will determine how everyone will bear fruit. Those, who do not have deep roots of faith, or those, who are choked by the cares of the world, will not bear much fruit because Satan steals the will to believe out of their hearts. But those, who listen and act on My Word, are the ones who bear fruit thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. Those, who truly love Me and desire to be with Me, are the ones who receive Me in Holy Communion often and visit Me in My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. This alternating vision of Me and My Sacred Host is to emphasize My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. This gift of My Presence with you is how I strengthen you with My graces so you can resist the temptations of the devil. You have Confession when you fail, so you always have an opportunity to be with Me. Go forward and share My Gospel of love with all those that you meet so they can have the same experience of My loving Presence.”
Jesus said: “My people, it was the rich hedge funds and Wall Street derivatives that really were the culprits of your latest bank system failure. Then when they lost money on speculative home loans that had more risk than was made public, the rich had the government and AIG bailout their losses as ‘too big to fail’. There was little or no regulation of these derivatives or risky home loans. A combination of bank and stimulus spending, along with near zero interest loans from the taxpayer have bailed out the banks on their bad debts. This was a created economic crisis to cause a recession and high unemployment as a means to bankrupt your economy. Even though many lost money, it was the man in the street who saw his investments stolen, his job taken, and his house devalued. But the rich were allowed to regain their losses at the taxpayer’s expense. These are the injustices that I will hold the cheaters and swindlers on Wall Street accountable for at their judgment. The one world people will reign over you for a short time with the Antichrist, but I will come and cast this whole evil lot into hell for all of their greed and killing. Then I will renew the earth and bring about My Era of Peace. Have patience for now as you go to My refuges of protection, because you will be happy with Me, but the evil ones will languish in hell with the devil tormenting them.”
Source: ➥