Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, in your cold war between America and Russia people recognized the potential for a nuclear war by how close the clock was to 12:00 noon or midnight. For example during the Cuban missile crisis, the clock was placed at only a few minutes to 12:00. In a similar manner I am showing you this clock at the 3:00 hour which is when I died on the cross. Being nearly 3:00 represents that the time for the tribulation to begin is near. I have given you many warnings that the time is near when the Antichrist will come into power at the head of all the world unions. My Warning will occur before the Antichrist comes to power so everyone can be prepared for this time of evil. After the Warning remove your TVs and computers from your house to avoid looking at or listening to the Antichrist. Have your backpacks ready to leave for My refuges of protection. When you see a world famine, a division in My Church, mandatory vaccines for a pandemic virus, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, then call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you by a small flame of fire to My nearest refuge or interim refuge. Leaving when I warn you to, will allow you to avoid being captured by the men in black who will take you to the death camps to be gassed and cremated.”
Jesus said: “My son, in a previous message it was confirmed that you should go ahead in acquiring another spiritual advisor since you have made multiple attempts to be obedient to your superiors. I would advise you against putting any messages in print until a spiritual advisor has approved that they are not against any teachings of My Church. This would mean not allowing messages to go to your publisher or the internet until they are approved. If the Diocese objects to your spiritual director in allowing messages to be printed, then be obedient and stop any printing. It is true that I would like to see these messages given out to the public, but I also want you to be under proper spiritual supervision. Continue praying for a spiritual director and for one that would approve them to be published.”
Source: ➥