Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed a miracle of healing for your wife and you were right to give praise and thanks to Me for this gift. I told you that those, who have faith in My power to heal, will see miracles of My grace. You were given a vision of an angel healing your wife and you were blessed for inviting Me and My angels to heal her out of faith. Remember when St. Raphael was instrumental in healing Tobit’s blindness with the gall of the fish. Angels can be given authority to heal, as this gift was a result of much prayer as well. I want you to continue praying a novena of thanksgiving for this gift of healing. Remember to pray for all souls in need of My grace, especially for those who are near death. This healing of souls is even more important than physical healings.” Jesus said: “My people, what you are seeing in this vision is a desire by people for money, power, and fame. Some even sell their souls to the devil for these earthly things. In the end what or whom do you worship? Is it Me, or you and your money? Only those, who are humble and worship Me, are on the right path to heaven. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul to the devil in hell in the process? The things of this world and fame are fleeting and passing away. But the love of God and neighbor will win you eternal life in heaven. To gain heaven, it does not matter how rich or poor you are. I measure your worth in heavenly treasure for your good deeds. The treasure of heaven far surpasses any treasure on earth. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be given you.”
Source: ➥