Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
(Mass intention for Josyp Terelya)

Jesus said: “My people, Josyp was a kind and generous man, but he was very steadfast in his faith to Me, even when he suffered many years in prison for Me. He is an example and an inspiration to all of My faithful. I treasure all of you, but souls like Josyp are a joy to My Heart and that of My Blessed Mother. This vision of coming to heaven to give your petition to Josyp is also an example to others that you can present your petitions to Josyp as an intercessor to Me. At times when you pray for people, you act as intercessors for them. Your prayers receive even more attention when they are received through the saints of heaven who act as spiritual intercessors for your petitions. Give thanks and praise to Me that you have been graced with such a man of faith as Josyp.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to evangelize souls in the Easter spirit to save them from hell. I have also shown you that you gain your strength from receiving Me in Holy Communion, and adoring Me in Adoration. Those, who come to Me in adoring My Blessed Sacrament, understand My Real Presence in My consecrated Host. This devotion is also helpful in gaining vocations to the priesthood. Areas, where you have many Adoration chapels, also have more vocations because you are creating a more fertile environment for vocations. Pray for vocations to the priesthood, and do all that you can to promote Adoration in your diocese.”
Jesus said: “My people, I told the Jewish leaders of My day that I am the Cornerstone of My Church that was rejected by the builders. They did not want to recognize Me as the Son of God or the Messiah that was foretold because the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom and not a physical one. My power is all over the world, but I am allowing a time of testing between good and evil so everyone can choose to follow Me by their own choosing and by their own free will. For those, who believe in Me, know that I am the center of My Church and My Real Presence in My tabernacles makes your churches holy.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the early flowers in full bloom, and the roses will come out later. This single rose is a representation for life and the struggle to preserve life from being killed by abortion. Spring and Easter are focused on new life with no thought of any taking of life. Those, who promote the death culture of killing, have their hearts far from Me, and they are stopping the plan I had for the lives they are killing. Promoting abortion or any other kind of killing is sinful and against My Fifth Commandment of Thou shalt not kill. Unless they repent of this sin, these death culture people could be lost in hell. Pray for all souls to be saved, but continue to defend life in all stages of life at the beginning, at the end, or any other time.”
Jesus said: “My people, as you see people dying of natural causes, there needs to be new life to replace them or your society will be dying as well. When your people refuse to have children for whatever reason, your society will pass away without new life. Some people propose abortion and fewer children in the name of population control. These countries will fade away and another will take their place. Rejoice in new births because life finds a way to carry on despite the death culture teachers.”
Jesus said: “My people, just as it is important to have new life to carry on the human race, so it is just as important for each soul to be reborn in the Spirit. This spiritual life is also in danger of being snuffed out by the evil of worldly people. It is one thing to be alive in the body, but life in the spirit requires grace from My sacraments so you can have a pure soul. Those souls in mortal sin are as dead in the spirit or soul of that person. My Resurrection and death have freed you from your sins, and you need to repent and accept Me as Master of your life so you can have life in the full of both body and soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, as the grass and crops start to flourish, so you are also seeing the weeds make their appearance. There are two spiritual messages connected with the weeds that represent an evil influence. Just as you take out the weeds from your garden, this is similar to going to Confession where you can cleanse your sins in making a pure soul with My grace. The other account of the wheat and the tares is associated with the last judgment when I will separate the evil ones from My faithful souls. My faithful ones are represented in the wheat that I gather into My barn of heaven. The tares or evil ones are burned in the fires of hell. Choose to follow Me to heaven instead of following the devil to hell.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been talking about celebrating new life and what better way to honor life than to honor the mothers who have their children and bring them up in the faith. You have your mothers to thank for your very existence and they suffer much every day in bringing up their children. It is a labor of love that is not always fully appreciated. This coming Mother’s Day is also a celebration of My Blessed Mother as the spiritual mother of all of mankind in her month of May. As you honor your earthly mother, think also to honor your spiritual mother in the Blessed Virgin Mary.”
Source: ➥