Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
(Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you are grateful for My death and Resurrection because you are looking at a past event, and can understand that I came as the Messiah to die for your sins. My disciples were told several times that I would be killed and rise on the third day, but they did not understand that anyone could rise from the dead by themselves. Rising from the dead was My greatest miracle, but death could have no power over Me, even if I was a God-man. This is why many of them doubted that I appeared to people alive, especially St. Thomas in today’s Gospel reading. I appeared several times to My disciples so there was no longer any doubt that I had raised from the dead in the flesh. Now you can read the accounts of these appearances, and My faithful can also believe, even though you were not there in the Upper Room. I gave My apostles the blessing of the Holy Spirit so they could have strength and speak foreign languages in spreading the Good News of My death and Resurrection for everyone’s sins. This is such a joyful time so you can be thanking Me for My sacramental gifts and for receiving also the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My people, how I love My people so much and I send you My graces and blessings on this Mercy Sunday. My mercy for your sins is truly endless as I will forgive every repentant sinner, no matter how serious your sin may be. Your Novena prayers and Confession will take away any reparation due for your sins. Trust in My Divine Mercy for it is always available to you. As you look upon the Divine Mercy Picture of St. Faustina, I will always send you My mercy for all of your sins. As you meditate on the account with My walking with My disciples on the road to Emmaus, I comforted them and allowed them to understand the Scriptures which foretold My coming. Just as I comforted these disciples, I also want to walk with each of you on your journey through life. I am always at your side to help you and guide you through all of life’s troubles. Do not forget to call on Me every day to assist you in your daily needs. I love you and I offer My help to bring you home to Me in heaven. Rejoice in My mercy because My mercy is ongoing for everyone.”
Source: ➥