Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are so happy to see the sun and some warmer temperatures in the North. The beginnings of spring is a welcome relief to all of the winter cold, ice, and snow. This joy is first expressed in a desire to pick up your yard from all of the leaves and branches that were left over from fall and the wind. During Lent you do some penances to also try and clean up some of your bad habits that may be holding you back in your spiritual life. It is not easy to admit to some of your faults, but working to correct them is a constant work to avoid sin. The more often that you take time to have your sins forgiven in Confession, the easier it will be to withstand any future temptations to sin. Keeping your soul pure and cleansed is a life long work, and you cannot let your guard down at any time because the devil is seeking the ruin of souls constantly. Work to perfect your own soul and help other souls to see My Light as well. By profiting from your Lenten devotions, you will be even more joyful in the Spirit at Easter and the rest of the year.”
Prayer Group:
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have been led to place my Miraculous Medals all over your house for protection from evil spirits and natural disasters. Even more important you can pray to me with this medal for souls who have fallen away from their faith and are no longer coming to Sunday Mass. These souls know that it is their place to be at Sunday Mass, but they are making worldly excuses not to come. During this Lent I want you to pray my Miraculous Medal prayers for these fallen away souls, especially those souls in your family. Put this medal around them and invite them back to church. Once they have a love for this medal and me, I will not forget them and I will intercede with my Son, Jesus, for their souls.”
Jesus said: “My people, there is an eternal flame in every church in every sanctuary that honors My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle. This flame burns strong because I call everyone to make a special visit to Me to share in My abundant graces. Some have made an extra offering to come to daily Mass for Lent. Another devotion is to make a special effort to adore Me in open Adoration in My monstrance or a visit to My tabernacle. Everything that you can do to come closer to your Savior, will enrich your love for Me during this Lent.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am pleased with all of those faithful who believe in My image on the Shroud of Turin, and especially those who promote the viewing of this image. You are fortunate to have this opportunity to see My wounds that I suffered for all of you. This is appropriate also right before Holy Week and Good Friday. You have seen this image before with Alex, and you can see My very face and dimensions of My height. You have seen Roger and his miracles of seeing everyone’s faces in the magnifications of the blood on this Shroud. You have been to Turin and have seen pictures of the original relic. Treasure this witness of the very moment of My Resurrection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this image of Me as the King of Kings because some people worship idols or other human beings as gods. I am the only One worthy of your worship and there should be no other gods before Me. This is the First Commandment, but some make money, fame, possessions, or other human beings as idols in violation of My Law. See to it that you do not make idols of these things and consecrate everything over to Me out of love for Me. Those, who love Me sincerely from the heart, are not far from the Kingdom of heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have just read the recent account of how My people in the desert fashioned a golden calf for idol worship, even as Moses was receiving My Ten Commandments. Even today your Wall Street people worship a golden bull for their bull market where they cheat and steal to gain money in their manipulated stocks. You have experienced a collapse in your markets as a punishment for your greed and avarice. Now, even as these same people want to bring their markets back to life, I will dash them again with your coming bankruptcy. I tell you all those, who worship money instead of Me, will find their soul’s demise in their lust for wealth. Trust in Me and worship only the One true God.”
Jesus said: “My people, many are suffering from this recession and for those, who have lost their jobs, it is like a depression. As a Lenten penance look to help those who need food and those who are homeless, and do what you can with donations and your personal help so they can survive. Helping at a food shelf or a soup kitchen can be a means to donate your time as well as your food.”
Jesus said: “My people, your churches offer many special services during Lent to pray the Stations of the Cross and opportunities for retreats and Confession with the priests. Take advantage of these services to build up your spiritual life, and have your souls cleansed of your sins. As you are approaching Holy Week, make time available so you can share in these services of the Triduum so you can appreciate how much I suffered to save your souls.”
Source: ➥