Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, I am love itself, and My Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor. Everyone of you are appointed to die and be judged one day. On that day you will be held accountable for all of your actions in this life. No one can come to heaven unless they come through Me. Those, who enter heaven, must repent of their sins and accept Me as Master of their lives. If you follow My Commandments, then you must find time to worship Me on Sunday, and support My Church. Just as I threw the money changers out of the Temple, My love for My Church consumes Me. You should reverence Sunday as holy and avoid any servile work on that day. It is unfortunate that man forces others to work on Sunday for your daily bread. You need to follow My Commandments and the laws of My Church as a direction for you in how to live a good Christian life. I came on to the earth to die for your sins, but also I came to fulfill the Law. My love for all of you is unconditional and if you want to strive for perfection, your love for Me and your neighbor should also be unconditional. This is why I asked you not to discriminate in your love, and to love everyone, even your enemies, or those who persecute you. If you follow what I have given you, then your reward in heaven will be great.”
Source: ➥