Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Jesus said: “My people, these phone lines and cell phone towers represent the many communications that you make with each other. This is in addition to your daily conversations that you have with each other in person. You spend every day talking with each other, but how long do you spend each day talking to Me in your prayers? I am always reminding you to leave time in your day for prayer time, and not just at bedtime when you are too tired to pray. If you truly love someone, then you will tell them every day and not just one hour on Sunday. Prayer and faith in My answering prayer will get you through your many trials of the day. During Lent you should be more focused on Me in prayer and how you could improve your sinful lives. I have even asked you many times to spend quiet time with Me in contemplative prayer so you can be open in your heart to listen to My words of advice. You spend a lot of time talking, but you should develop your skills of listening both to Me and to others. In addition to having a good prayer life for yourself, it would also be helpful to teach your children and grandchildren how to pray, so they have Me to rely on in hard times. Give praise and glory to Me, and thank Me for all that I have given you.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this man who had dirty hands from his labors. You know how some jobs can cause your hands to get dirty while you are working with the soil or working on machinery. Then you have to scrub your hands clean before eating or coming into the house. In a spiritual way you also have sins on your hands from not following My Commandments as you should. In order to cleanse your sins, you need to call on Me in the priest to confess your sins and receive My absolution. Once you are forgiven of your sins, then I send sanctifying grace into your soul to strengthen you against any further sins. Keep your soul and hands clean by frequent Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, these statues and relics give you a commemoration of the saints that you are praying to as intercessors of the your prayer intentions to Me. Keep reading about their lives so they can be an example and an inspiration for your own lives. Many saints stripped themselves of their wealth to give their money to the poor and depend on Me completely for everything. Follow the holiness of the lives of the saints and they will lead you closer to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have shown you the saints before, but for most of My faithful purification may have to come through purgatory on earth or in real purgatory. There is a purgatory where souls may suffer being purified in preparation for coming into heaven. It is not easy to cleanse all the love of worldly things, but you must do so in order to have a complete focus on Me with no other gods before Me. Continue to strive to guard your soul from the temptations of the evil ones, and your reward will be great in heaven. Pray always for the poor souls in purgatory.”
Jesus said: “My people, at times your heart goes out to those that have lost everything in a devastating storm or tornado. When you collectively put your hands together, you can make short work of rebuilding a home. Donations from the neighbors for the building supplies is another way of making a heartfelt contribution to restore one’s lost home. I tell you, those neighbors will never forget such a charity, and the new home owner will be more than willing to help his neighbors in return. This makes a true bond of love and friendship that is hard to find in this world.”
Jesus said: “My people, fighting and killing in wars can only bring death and destruction. This is the opposite that I desire of My people that should be praying for peace and harmony. These soldiers praying on their knees know how awful war can be in losing loved ones. It is not a pleasant task to tell relatives that their son or daughter was killed in action. Continue to pray for peace in the world instead of fighting over land or material things.”
Jesus said: “My people, you know by your own experience how badly you suffer when you have a serious sickness or operation. When you have good health again, then you have a deeper appreciation of your gift of health. If you did not suffer trials in this life, it would be harder to have a real appreciation for the joy that you will have in heaven for struggling through all of your temptations from the devil. Love Me in all that you do, and even thank Me for the trials that have led you to love Me even more.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad sometimes when poor people have to choose between staying warm or having enough food to survive. There are various means for heating your home, but they all require money or work to gather wood. It is the same effort either by donations or food stamps that may be required for some to have food. Again I ask you for almsgiving to help the poor in providing food and a warm shelter. By helping others, your financial donations can be turned into heavenly treasure. Reach out to help your neighbor in deed and your prayers.”
Source: ➥