Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, in this Book of Proverbs you are called to listen to the cry of the poor who need food for their daily sustenance. Most people have enough work to put their bread on the table, but there are some who cannot work or find employment to earn their way. Some also, who are in the third world countries, have difficulty in finding food, especially those suffering from natural disasters. You need to reach out to those in need in your local food shelves or worthy charity organizations to help the poor to find food and shelter. Even when you are called to make charity donations, I have asked everyone to be generous and think that you are thanking Me for all the gifts that I gave you. Tithing is mentioned in the Scriptures, but you should be giving cheerfully to help your neighbor in their needs. It could be at another time in your life that you may be asking someone to help you when you have an accident, or you are suffering from a natural disaster. You can also help the spiritual poor who have little or no faith by praying for them and giving them good example. When you help the poor, do everything out of love for Me, and your Holy Father in heaven will reward you for the good intentions in your heart.”
Source: ➥