Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard the Parable of the Sower of seed which represents Me spreading My Word among all of My people. It is not just enough for you to hear My Word or to only call Me, Lord, Lord. Those souls on the path, on the rocks, or among the thorns are those who hear My Word, but they do not put My Word into their hearts and act on it. These are the lukewarm who are not sincere in their love for Me, and they fall away and risk the loss of eternal life. Those instead, who hear My Word and act on it, will follow My Commandments and bear good fruit in their deeds a hundredfold. I invite all of My faithful to take up your crosses and follow Me. It is your ‘yes’ that you give Me that is your commitment to loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. If you truly are Christians, you will deny yourself and do everything out of love for Me. You should spread My Word by evangelizing souls around you so more souls will be saved from hell to enjoy eternal life with Me in heaven. All that is earthly will pass away, but all that is of heaven will have life with Me forever in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, these demons in the vision are trying to inspire a division in My Church. Whenever you hear of any heretical statement, no matter from what source, you are not obligated to believe it or to follow it. These schismatic elements will be promoting New Age teachings which you should not follow. They will also be saying that masturbation, fornication, and homosexual acts are no longer sins. You heard in a brief reading about how My faithful will receive a cross implanted on their foreheads. You will know that when you do not see a cross on someone during the tribulation, that they should be avoided and not accepted into your prayer groups. Trust in Me and My angels, for we will protect you from these evil ones in My Church. Those people without crosses or demons presenting themselves as the faithful will be turned away at the refuges, as My angels will not allow such people into the refuge. I will separate the goats from the lambs, and the evil ones will be cast into hell, while My true faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and finally in heaven.”
Source: ➥