Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

(Trinity Sunday)


God the Father said: “I AM is sending My blessings down upon all the people of this Mass who are honoring Me this day. I have given you My Son so that He could die for your sins as a worthy sacrifice. You celebrated Pentecost Last Sunday in honor of the Holy Spirit, so now you are celebrating the feast of all Three Person of the Blessed Trinity. I do not have any dedicated feast, so today is My special day to bless you. You remember Me most when you pray the ‘Our Father’ of My Son, and when you make the ‘Sign of the Cross’. Even when you receive Holy Communion, you are receiving all Three of Us because We are inseparable as One. Pray to Us every day so We can help you and guide you in all of your actions. By following My Son and obeying the Ten Commandments, you will not be condemned, but you will be welcomed into heaven as your reward. Remember what I said on Mount Tabor: ‘This is My beloved Son, listen to him.” (Mark 9:6)

Jesus said: “My people, the old traditional Mass is hard to understand in the Latin, but the singing and reverence for My Blessed Sacrament have their own sense of the ‘sacred’ that is missing in the English Mass. Seeing the angels in the vision is always going on at every Mass, but I allowed you to see how much the angels give Me honor and glory in My Real Presence. If all the people at Mass believed deeply in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, there would be more reverence for My Blessed Sacrament. I also showed you the angels kneeling before Me in Adoration without the Mass. You are all giving praise to the Holy Trinity as you come to adore the consecrated Host in the monstrance. I thank all of My believers who make an extra trip to visit Me when there is no obligation.”

Source: ➥