Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, there were many scenes and accounts of how I helped My apostles in their fishing boats. Several times I provided the fish for them to catch. At other times I saved them from drowning by calming the violent seas. I sometimes speak to you about boats and sailing on the sea of life which has its storms and calm times. This vision of Me at the helm of a ship steering the course represents how I want you to let Me lead and direct your life. Whether you accept it or not, you are totally dependent on Me for everything that you have. I do not force My love on anyone because I want you to love Me of your own free will. Before you start any project, pray to Me about it so I can tell you if it is the right thing for your soul, and I will help you to accomplish your goal. Sometimes you strike out on your own in pride thinking that you can do things without My help. After some failures, then you come begging on your knees for help. So pray to Me first, and your work will be much easier with Me helping you. Another image along with this ship is to have a good anchor. I am that anchor of faith for you so that you do not drift away from the faith because of the undercurrents of the world and its distractions. At times you could be detoured from your goal to follow Me by allowing things in life to become addictions or obsessions that can control you and take time away from Me and your prayer time. I am always at your side in Confession for your sins, and to refocus you so you can see clearly to eliminate things that control you and steal all of your time. Your purpose on earth is to know, love, and serve Me so you can become a saint. If you only serve yourself in your addictions, then you are being selfish with your time and you are not sharing time with Me and your neighbor. When you truly love Me and your neighbor, you will be more outgoing, instead of just doing things to serve yourself.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are witnessing many natural disasters all over the world, and not just in America. In your own country you are seeing fires and tornadoes destroy homes with even some deaths. In addition you are seeing many earthquakes along the Western coast and a major volcano going off in Chile. In the former Burma you are seeing major destruction of millions of homes with many deaths, much like when the tsunami killed many people. These major natural disasters will be continuing to cause record numbers of destruction. Pray that these disasters be kept to a minimum with a minimum loss of life. Some of these disasters are a punishment for much sin going on in certain areas. Repent of your sins in America, or you could see worse things happening here as well. Man is falling further away from Me in his spiritual laziness and complacency. It is these natural disasters that wake you up to the reality of the life that I want you to live.”
Source: ➥