Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
(Road to Emmaus)

Jesus said: “My people, this time after Easter is a glorious time to contemplate how I will resurrect My faithful into your glorified bodies after the final judgment. I go to prepare a place for you, and this empty balcony represents a place in heaven awaiting My faithful. I am with you every day at your side as I walk with you through life, even as I shared with My disciples on the road to Emmaus. In the vision of this scene of My sharing the Scriptures, referring to My mission that was foretold, I wanted My faithful readers to imagine yourselves present and listening to My words. The disciples later said: (Luke 24;32) ‘Was not our heart burning within us while He was speaking on the road and explaining to us the Scriptures.’ Every word that prophesied My coming had to be fulfilled, even as all that is prophesied for My coming again, also has to be fulfilled. The disciples had their eyes blinded from seeing Me until I broke bread with them at dinner. Only then did they recognize me in ‘the breaking of the bread’ when I blessed it and shared it with them. This recollection of the breaking of the bread at the Last Supper reminded them of My remembrance of My Body and Blood that now would be shared at every Mass. Give praise and glory to God in the gift of Myself to you in Holy Communion at Mass today because you also are sharing in ‘the breaking of the bread’ and you share My Real Presence in recognizing Me as well.”
Source: ➥