Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, March 28, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008

Jesus said: “My people, you know how dangerous it can be when you are traveling on the road on a wet or snowy night. Even more so when your driving visibility is poor, there are white lines on the edge of the road, reflectors, and guard rails to protect you from getting off the road. Just as you have signs and protections on the road, I am the one to lead you and guide you spiritually so you do not fall off the path to heaven and into sin. I also give you warnings of danger and I offer opportunities to repair your soul from sin in Confession. I give you the eyes of faith so you can see clearly how to stay on the narrow road to heaven and avoid detours into sinful lifestyles and worldly distractions. See Me as your spiritual guard rail, and I send you your guardian angels to advise you in your daily actions. By My looking out for each souls’s spiritual welfare, you can again see how much I love you. It is your duty to use your free will to follow Me, love Me, and serve Me in this life.”
Jesus said: “My people, this person coming up out of the ground represents My underground Church that My faithful will be a part of during the tribulation. You have already witnessed an underground Catholic Church in China where Catholics are persecuted if they are found openly professing their faith. In the increasing evil of these end days, you will be more and more persecuted for expressing a love for God in public. Your Masses and prayer meetings will eventually need to be held in secret so you are not taken off to detention center death camps. Once martial law is declared, or chips are being made mandatory in the body, then you will need to have your guardian angel lead you to a safe haven or refuge where you would be protected by My angels from the evil ones trying to kill you. The early stages of religious persecution will be the first sign of the tribulation beginning. You would rather give up your life, than give up your faith in Me. Remain true to Me and refuse to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, even if they threaten you with death. You will be in hiding at My refuges for no longer than 3 ½ years, but then I will come in victory to defeat all the evil ones, and I will establish My Era of Peace to reign for a time.”
Source: ➥