Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the woman at the well is a very touching story of My love for everyone.  I have talked about My Living Water in many messages, and this refers to today’s reading.  Your bodies desire water and food of this world, but it will never be satisfied except for a short time.  Your soul thirsts for spiritual food and drink in order to have eternal life.  I feed your soul with My own Body and Blood under the appearances of bread and wine.  When you partake of My spiritual food, your soul will be completely satisfied in My sacramental Real Presence.  Holy Communion is a small taste of heaven that you can experience on earth.  I send you My graces and blessings every time that you receive Me in My sacramental presence.  You have this glorious opportunity of being with Me at every Mass, which is why many attend daily Mass.  Other faithful make special visits to adore Me in Adoration of My Real Presence in My Host.  You have witnessed many miracles of My Eucharist that were signs to those that did not believe in My Real Presence.  I have given you this gift of Myself to each of you when I instituted My Eucharist at the Last Supper.  I suffered and died for you on My cross, and it is My Most Precious Blood that has paid the price for each of your souls.  I am the Lamb of God offered up as a sin offering for all of mankind.  This ‘Sacrifice of the Mass’ is a re-enactment of My suffering on Good Friday.  All of you are also appointed to die once before you can come to heaven.  You must also suffer with Me in carrying your daily cross.  Give reverence to My Blessed Sacrament by bowing or kneeling to receive Me without mortal sin on your souls.  I am Lord and God over your lives and I ask you to follow My Will and give everything over to Me as your Savior to serve Me in your mission.  Love Me and your neighbor so that all that you do is out of love for Me.  Give Me thanks for all the gifts that I have given you, and hold My peace in your heart without letting anything earthly control you, or disturb your peace.”

Jesus said: “My people,  I want to lead My faithful on a path to increased holiness.  It is only by becoming holy that you can strive to get closer to your goal of sainthood.  The gate in this vision represents a fence that encloses your comfort zone that you feel save to work in.  Opening this gate means in order to grow in your faith that you must be willing to take risks in your trust of Me by going out of your comfort zone.  Call on Me first to discern if your plans are in keeping with what I want you to do.  I call on you to share your faith with others in evangelizing souls.  When you are following My lead out into the world, you will meet with these tall white walls that seem impossible to go through.  These walls are the restrictions of your society as a resistance to stopping abortion.  Do not let people hold you back with threats, because you need to protest abortions in any way that you could.  Only with My help and that of My Blessed Mother can I help you break through these barriers.  Another wall is a resistance to stopping wars.  I want peace all over the world.  You cannot say that it is good to continue killing one another.  So strive even publicly to be a peacemaker in voting against wars.  Another wall is a resistance to stopping pornography and prostitution.  You know there are many evils caused by literature and pictures on the internet.  You need to fight such evil shops and places of prostitution in your neighborhood.  Pray also for people to break down their personal barriers of addictions that people fall victim to.  When you strike out in trust of My power to fight these evils in the world, you will meet with much resistance from man and the demons.  So ask My help to reach out to purify your soul and the souls around you.  By working in My vineyard, you will gain a great reward in heaven.”

Source: ➥