Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a blanket with the sun shining through it represents My Mystical Body as you are all joined in Communion with Me, the Church, the saints, and even the souls in purgatory who are saved.  This ‘Mystical Body of Christ’ should be better understood by the faithful.  It is to include all baptized believers in My teachings.”

Requested research by Jesus:

St. Robert Bellarmine teaches: ‘The Mystical Body of Christ is composed of three ‘churches’ - The Church Militant (Catholic Church), the Church Suffering (purgatory), and the Church Triumphant (saints).

Pope Pius XII in 1943 said: ‘Only those are really to be included as members of the Church who have been baptized and profess the true faith and have not unhappily withdrawn from body-unity, or for grave faults been excluded by legitimate authority. For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one Body.” (Mystici Corporis, p. 12)

Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the reading of dry bones in the desert. (Ezechiel 37:1-14) I talked to Ezechiel about all of these bones before him and I asked him to prophesy over them.  Then My Spirit came into these bones and they were raised up with sinew and flesh into a new army of Israel.  This is a fore shadowing of how the Son of Man will be resurrected into a glorified Body.  At the last day all of My faithful will also be resurrected into a new body that will be rejoined with your soul.  As you go forward during Lent, you will see how Good Friday leads up to My Resurrection on the first Easter celebration.  Even as you read of My Transfiguration last Sunday, that was another prefigurement of My coming Resurrection when I rose three days later after My death.  All of Lent is a reminder to you that you are suffering with Me on your Good Friday while you are on this earth.  You too will be waiting and will be purified for your own Easter resurrection.  Give praise and thanks to your Lord for dying for your sins so you may one day be with Me forever in heaven.”

Source: ➥