Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
(150th Anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes)

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of St. Michael, the archangel, with his sword is representing how he battles all the demons. He fights demons for nations and he especially battles the demons around places of apparitions like Lourdes, and demons around messengers or prophets. When visionaries are receiving apparitions, or inner locutions, call on St. Michael in your exorcism prayer of St. Michael. This is why you have been directed to pray your Act of Contrition and your St. Michael prayer before you receive Me in Holy Communion and when you are receiving a message before My Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. My angels are very powerful over the demons. Wherever heavenly messages are being given, the demons are there to try and interfere with this gift of Mine to the world. Give praise and thanks to Me, and honor My Blessed Mother for all of the heavenly messages to guide mankind and warn you of the coming events.”
Mary said: “My dear children, in the vision there is a parallel that my Son, Jesus, was crucified outside of town by the town dump. In Lourdes, France I appeared to St. Bernadette outside of town in a grotto near the town dump as well. The innocence of children is how my Son and I want you to be like in your spiritual life. St. Bernadette was very faithful to me in coming to the grotto for the days that I asked her to come. She was blessed to be a nun in the convent and she suffered much in this life. But her testimony of my messages even to her dying day was steadfast as she believed in these apparitions with every fiber of her being. This 150th Anniversary celebration of these apparitions are a reminder to review the messages given, which all of you could benefit from. The miraculous waters of Lourdes that have healed many illnesses and bones are a sign of my Son’s power as he also healed many while He was on the earth. Give praise and thanks to God for all of these healings, and honor me and St. Bernadette on this feast day of Lourdes. I love all of my children and many love St. Bernadette in taking her for their namesake.”
Source: ➥