Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
(Presentation in the Temple)

St. Bernadette said: “My dear little one, I thank you for the opportunity to speak to your granddaughter, Jocelyn, and thank her for taking my name for her Confirmation name. I want Jocelyn to be grateful to be able to have a good Catholic upbringing at Archangel School, and a chance to receive Our Lord in Communion at the Mass. Your mother and your grandparents are trying to help you to be a good Christian girl. Your grandfather, John, has been inspired as your sponsor to give you this book of my life and the messages that I received from our Blessed Mother. It is good to use us saints as an inspiration to follow in your life. This seems like a large book, but try to read a few pages at a time for your Lenten inspiration. Your grandparents have been to Lourdes, France and they can testify to the true electric feeling of the holy spring of water. I want you to live a life of total consecration to Jesus and His Blessed Mother. Remember your prayer life every day and daily love for Jesus.”
“I also want to encourage Christina as well and remind her of her calling as well to a good prayer life. I am your namesake as well and you could share in these gifts of the movie and my book. Thank you for listening to my call for following me as a model for your life.”
Jesus said: “My people, man has fished for seafood for many years, but some greedy fisherman are over fishing the fishing banks from all of your countries. In some areas the fish population is decreasing because it is being upset by man’s influence on the balance of nature. As the general population of people increases, it is becoming harder to feed everyone with meat, vegetables, grains, rice, potatoes, and fresh water. Even some nations have resorted to fish pond farming to provide more fish to make up for over fishing. Man has to be more prudent in preserving his environment with less pollution. By making the right incentives, people could reduce their energy needs and not waste precious fuels and water. Look at nature and the animals and how they do not waste food or abuse their environment. Make nature’s balance a lesson for how you should live, so you can pass on a clean earth for the next generation.”
Source: ➥