Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007

Jesus said: “My people, when you come into a holy church where the people give Me honor and reverence of My Blessed Sacrament, you have a great sense of spiritual peace and joy at My oasis of graces for your soul. Your soul is at ease in My Real Presence and you are graced to be with Me. Be thankful for your priests to offer the Mass and preserve the traditions of your Catholic faith. In today’s Gospel on the use of given talents, you know how important it is to use your physical talents for your mission in life. When you consecrate everything to Me, you are dedicating all of your works to Me in My glory and you are serving Me as I have requested everyone to serve Me. Some do not use their talents, and this is the lesson of the Gospel not to waste their gifts. I want to emphasize to My faithful that you also have been given spiritual talents as well to evangelize souls by your Baptism and Confirmation. These talents of sharing your faith with others also should not be buried or unused. It should be a joy for you to give the gift of faith so others can share in the peace and joy of My love. Do not be selfish for just your own faith, but go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of love and salvation of souls. Then when you settle accounts with Me at the judgment, I will reward you for all the souls that you have brought to Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many Scripture passages that tell you to follow the narrow road or gate in order to gain eternal life. There are many who follow the broad road to hell in their love of fame, power, and money of the world. They have made these things gods and they worship them more than Me as idols. If you follow My Will and My Commandments, this will place you on the narrow road to heaven. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but then he loses his soul? In the end all of these things will pass away, but your soul remains forever, and it is immortal and will never die. But your soul will face a judgment and be held accountable for all of your actions on earth. By keeping your soul right with Me in sanctifying grace, you will always be ready for your judgment. Whenever I come to take you home, all the good deeds that you did for Me and your neighbor will be in your hands to weigh against your actual sins and your sins of omission. My mercy will be on your soul, but My justice will also prevail.”
Source: ➥