Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
(St. Peter Julian Eymard)

Jesus said: “My people, in the time of Moses he erected a tent for a dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant that contained the tablets of the Ten Commandments. This tent was temporary as the Hebrews moved through the desert. Today, you have another dwelling place for Me in the tabernacles of your churches that have a more permanent structure. It is appropriate that you honor St. Peter Julian Eymard who had a great love of My Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. He founded an order of priests and one of nuns that were dedicated to giving Adoration to My Blessed Sacrament. You always have Me present among you in My Eucharist at Communion and in My tabernacles that contain My consecrated Hosts. In these evil days I ask you to be protective of My consecrated Hosts, so they do not fall into the hands of those who desecrate My Hosts in black masses. Be on guard for any signs of people trying to break into My tabernacles. There is a constant battle between good and evil, and the demons know full well of the spiritual power in My consecrated Hosts.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have been focusing you on My crucifix in several messages because it should be a part of your life. The crucifix is a representation of how I died for all of man’s sins, but it is an example to everyone of how I want you to take up your own cross of life and sacrifice it for Me. Life is full of trials and joys, but you must be willing to share your suffering with Me. By prayer and bearing your cross, you can gain merits in heaven for all that you endure here for Me.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is the beginning of a string of events that will affect America. Many are already trying to lay the blame on someone for this bridge collapse. Many officials are aware of some marginal bridges that have the same rating of safety, and are as old. This event may put more focus on fixing your older bridge infrastructures before another unfortunate disaster could occur.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you have discerned to build a refuge house, it would be good to make a small model to see how best to construct it to fit the land contour. I will be guiding your hands in this special construction. I will also provide the land and the financing to bring this plan to fruition. Pray for My help in every stage of this construction and you will see the result of My hands.”
Jesus said: “My people, by the evidence of many end time signs, the time for building a refuge is running out before you soon see the time of the tribulation beginning. I have given you many warnings about famines, earthquakes, and weather disasters. Now you are seeing these events coming to pass along with microchips in your passports and driver’s licenses. Be prepared with your backpacks to leave for My refuges at any time.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I would provide springs of water for drinking and healing at My refuges. This vision is also showing you a pond that will be needed for bathing, and washing your clothes. If necessary this water could be filtered for drinking. Americans use large amounts of water for showers and watering your plants and grass. When water is more scarce, you will need to use your water for only the bare necessities. Rejoice that your needs will be provided for at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a confessional outdoors represents the freedom of movement that you will feel when you are released from your sins. There is a joy in your heart and soul once you have repented of your sins and you have been absolved in My forgiveness. Some people feel confined by the bondage of your sins and how certain sins have a control over you. By coming to Me in Confession, you too can be released and freed of the shackles of your sins. Give glory to Me for giving you this sacrament of Penance to put My spiritual peace back into your soul.”
Jesus said: “My people, at Adoration you have Me sacramentally present before you in all of My glory. This light shining out from My Host represents the many graces that flow out to all of My adorers. My adorers have a special love and a desire to be close to Me, and just as Mary, they have chosen the better portion and they will be rewarded for their visits to My Blessed Sacrament. When you visit Me, take five or ten minutes to just rest in quiet contemplation of My Host before you. Do not be in a rush in your prayers, but take time to drink in My love and care for you. When you leave, your soul will be refreshed in My graces.”
Source: ➥