Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on March 24, 2024 - 136th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Castelpetroso
Outside the Path of Holiness, Your Lives Have No Meaning and You Are Lost in This World

(Most Holy Mary): "My children, once again I come to give My Message to the whole world through the mouth of My most obedient son, My most hardworking and dedicated servant who made the film of My Apparitions at Castelpetroso and brought My Apparition out of oblivion and the contempt of all humanity.
Listen to what I tell you through the mouth of My servant: Convert! The time is ripe for conversion, times are bad. Satan will now employ his last snares and weapons to deceive you, to draw you away from Me and from prayer and to lead you all into sin and perdition.
So, little children, redouble your prayer, redouble your vigilance, pray more, meditate more, dedicate more time to the spiritual life so that Satan cannot deceive you.
Renounce the things of the world, through which Satan deceives you and leads you away from the path of holiness for which you were created.
Outside the path of holiness, your lives have no meaning and you are lost in this world. Only in holiness will you find true happiness, meaning and joy in life.
I have invited you here thousands of times to holiness and conversion, but you have not listened to Me, so your souls are miserable, poor and without merits and gifts from the Lord.
Only when you decide on the conversion that leads to holiness will your lives no longer be miserable, but rich in God's grace.
Have a poor heart that desires nothing, nothing that is worldly, and desires to possess the treasures of heaven.
Humanity is now on the brink of a new and worse war, but prayer and penance can cancel it, can prevent it, prayer can prevent any punishment. So pray, pray, pray without ceasing!
Live My message of Castelpetroso, believe in Me as the co-redemptrix of humanity and I will be your advocate at the throne of the tribunal of My son Jesus.
Believe in the merits of My Sorrows and Tears, turn to My son Jesus asking for graces in the name of My Sorrows and Tears and He will listen to you, He will let Himself be touched and He will come to save you.
Believe in Me and I will believe in you.
Be faithful to Me and I will be faithful to you.
Love Me and I will love you.
Take care of Me and I will take care of you.
Live all the Messages I have given you.
Pray the meditated Rosary 203 four times and give it to three of My children.
Why do I ask you for these Rosaries? For the peace of the world, to prevent the Third World War, to convert sinners and to destroy Satan's plans against you.
I also ask them to teach you to value and love the Rosaries that My son Marcos made with so much love for Me.
I have already said it and I repeat it, when I am saddened by the sins and grief that My children give Me, I come down from Heaven with My son Jesus here in the Mariel Store in My Shrine and I walk among the shelves of the Mariel Store contemplating and showing My son Jesus: the Rosaries, the Rosaries meditated on, the Hours of Prayer, the films and everything that My son Marcos did out of love for Me and for My Son.
There, at that moment, the thorns that the world has driven into our two Hearts fall away, the swords of pain with which the world pierces Me are removed, our tears are dried and our united Hearts exult with love and joy.
And My Son Jesus says to Me: "Yes, My Mother, there is no one in the world who loves your Rosary so much, who loves our Apparitions so much, who loves our Saints so much, who loves Me so much, who loves You so much, more than My son Marcos. Who is like him? No one like him!
That's why our hearts love him so much, are united to him, live in him and give him everything, everything, because he gave and did everything for us. This is how our hearts are so consoled.
But since there are so many ignorant, hard-hearted, disobedient, rebellious, stubborn souls with the same pride as Satan, who despise these meditated Rosaries and the prayers of My little son Marcos... I come from heaven in person to command you to pray these Rosaries if you also want to be loved by Me and My son Jesus, to console our hearts and save your souls.
So pray these Rosaries and you will be loved by Me with a love of predilection and your names will be written on My Immaculate Heart forever.
And as for you, My little son Marcos, rejoice! Because when My Heart and that of My Son Jesus bleeds with pain for the sins of the world, it is your meditated Rosaries, the Hours of Prayer, the films, especially this one of Castelpetroso, of My Tears and of La Salette that dry My Tears of Blood, the Tears of My Son and console our Hearts. You are the cause of My joy!
As for you, My little son André, thank you for coming to console My Immaculate Heart. You removed 152 thorns from My Heart and the Heart of My son Jesus by coming here.
You also removed 62 thorns from My Heart by consoling, talking, giving joy, embracing My little son Marcos and giving him your love. Because My Heart also suffers from seeing you suffer and when you consoled him, you also consoled Me.
You are precious and special to My Immaculate Heart and I have a plan for you.
You were also destined for a mission together with My son Marcos, which will gradually be revealed.
Go on for now trusting in My maternal love, praying and doing everything I tell you.
I thank you for your prayers, because they are like a sweet, consoling song to My heart. They are like the balm that closes the wounds that the world causes in My heart and in the heart of My son because of the sins of the world. I will always be with you.
You must now pray and dedicate yourself more to prayer. Pray now throughout this month until April 30, the Rosary of My Flame of Love No. 1. Through it I will give you a special knowledge of My love, this is what I desire, and prepare yourself for new tasks and graces that I have for you. I love you and I will always be by your side at all times.
Pray more, dedicate a place in your home to be in silence, prayer and union with Me.
I cover you with My mantle and give you a scapular to protect you especially from all evils and guard you from all dangers coming from the enemy and his henchmen in this world.
I pour out My maternal graces on you now and I give My blessings to My children here too: from Lourdes, from Castelpetroso and from Jacareí.
I am now pouring out the Indulgence on all those who have come today for the Feast of My Apparition of Castelpetroso.
My dear son André, come back in the month of May, My Apparition at Castelpetroso is one of the most important Apparitions and manifestations of My maternal love.
Those who help My son Marcos to make this Apparition known will receive 7 special graces from Me on March 22nd of each year.
Peace My children, I leave you Peace!"
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary