Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Apparition and Message of St. Gerard Majella on October 16, 2023 - Feast of St. Gerard
God's Will is Peace!

(St. Gerard): "Dear brothers and sisters, I, Gerard, come today on my Feast day to bless you again and to say to you all:
God's will is Peace!
Only when God's will is done will a soul truly have peace. When a soul does God's will, it lives in peace and overflows that peace to the whole world.
What a sea of peace, what a haven of peace the world would be if people did God's will.
God's will for this generation are the messages of our Most Holy Queen in Her Apparitions.
If all of humanity obeys the messages, they will do God's will and then peace will come.
Earth would be a paradise of peace if people listened to God's call in their hearts and did God's will.
I have always done God's will, so I have always lived in peace.
When you don't do God's will, if you disobey Him or resist Him, then: all the conflicts, disagreements, violence, wars and misfortunes of humanity begin.
May humanity fulfill God's will, and then it will have true peace.
I, Gerard, love you very much and will always protect you. I bless all those who bear My name in their name and all those who truly love Me, imitate Me and want to follow Me on the path of holiness.
I bless you, My most beloved brother Marcos, who through the film of My life that you made made Me known, loved and best of all, imitated, by so many who now want to follow Me on the path of fulfilling God's will in search of holiness and Heaven.
My life needs to be made known even more, so that the desire for heaven, the desire for holiness, increases in all hearts.
Only when this happens will there be many loving souls in the world and united hearts will triumph. So spread the word about My life, pray My Rosary.
Those who promise to spread the film of My life will be given all the graces they ask for.
I bless you all with love: from Murolucano, from Materdomini and from Jacareí."
Gerard Majella's Life
Majella was born in Muro Lucano on 6 April 1726, the youngest of five children. He was frail, and his parents had him baptized the day he was born. He was the son of Domenico Maiella, a tailor who died when Gerard was twelve, leaving the family in poverty. His mother, Benedetta Galella, then sent him to her brother so that he could teach Gerard to sew and follow in his father's footsteps. However, the foreman was abusive. The boy kept silent, but his uncle soon found out and the man who taught him resigned from the job. After four years of apprenticeship, he took a job as a servant to work for the local Bishop of Lacedonia. Upon the bishop's death, Gerard returned to his trade, working first as a journeyman and then on his own account. He divided his earnings between his mother and the poor and in offerings for the souls in Purgatory.
He tried to join the Capuchin Order twice, but his health prevented it. In 1749, he joined the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, known as Redemptorists. The order was founded in 1732 by Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787) at Scala, near Naples. The essentially- missionary order is dedicated to "preaching the word of God to the poor." Its apostolate is principally in giving of missions and retreats.
During his life, he was very close to the peasants and other outsiders who lived in the Neapolitan countryside. In his work with the Redemptorist community, he was variously a gardener, sacristan, tailor, porter, cook, carpenter, and clerk of works on the new buildings at Caposele.
At 27, Majella was controversially identified by a young pregnant woman as the father of her child. To avoid exposing Majella as the father, St. Gerard accepted the blame silently. His superior St Alphonse Ligouri questioned him and, due to his silence, banned him from receiving Holy Communion. After several years, the woman revealed the truth on her deathbed, but also testified to St Gerard’s holiness.
Some of Majella's reported miracles include restoring life to a boy who had fallen from a high cliff, blessing the scant supply of wheat belonging to a poor family and making it last until the next harvest, and several times multiplying the bread that he was distributing to the poor.
One day, he walked across the water to lead a boatload of fishermen through stormy waves to the safety of the shore. He was reputed to have had bilocation and the ability to read souls.
His last will was a small note on the door of his cell: "Here the will of God is done, as God wills, and as long as God wills." He died at 29 of tuberculosis on 16 October 1755 in Materdomini, Italy.
Patron of Mothers
One miracle in particular explains how Majella became known as the special patron of mothers. A few months before his death, he visited the Pirofalo family and accidentally dropped his handkerchief. One of the Pirofalo girls spotted the handkerchief moments after he had left the house, and she ran after Gerard to return it. "Keep it," he said to her. "You may need it some day."
Years later when the girl, now a married woman, was on the verge of dying in childbirth, she remembered the words of the saintly lay brother. She asked for the handkerchief to be brought to her. Almost immediately, the pain disappeared and she gave birth to a healthy child. That was no small feat in an era when only one out of three pregnancies resulted in a live birth, and word of the miracle spread quickly.
Because of the miracles that God worked through Gerard's prayers with mothers, the mothers of Italy took Gerard to their hearts and made him their patron. At the process of his beatification, one witness testified that he was known as "il santo dei felice parti," the saint of happy childbirths.
His devotion has become very popular in North America, both in the United States and Canada.
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí