Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace on July 23, 2023
Only When You Have This Flame of Love of Mine Will You Be Able to Love God above All Things with All Your Heart

JACAREÍ, JULY 23, 2023
(Marcos): "Yes, yes I will take it up again tomorrow.
I will, ma'am. I will.
I will take those three swords from your heart.
Yes, I will love the Lady for all who do not want to love Her, I will work and serve the Lady for all who do not want to serve Her.
And I will continue to dedicate every day, every hour, every minute of my life for all those who only dedicate their lives to themselves and to fulfilling their personal desires.
The perfume I smelled a few moments ago when I was finishing the movie was a sign from the Lady to me, wasn't it?
I knew it! I knew it was a miracle! Yes, I already feel much better.
Yes, I needed all this, all this today to renew the Flame of Love in Me. I am excited again."
(Most Holy Mary): "My beloved son Marcos, I come from Heaven again today to give My message to My children through you, whom I chose and elected even in your mother's womb, so that you would be My spokesman and My ambassador to the whole world.
Yes, I call My children again to open their hearts to My Flame of Love.
Only when you have this Flame of Love of Mine will you be able to love God above all things with all your heart, as He asks in the First Commandment.
Only when you have My Flame of Love will you be able to love God as I loved Him, with all My strength being willing to do everything for Him, to suffer everything for Him and to embrace all the crosses of life for His sake.
Only when you have My Flame of Love can you truly say no to all the temptations of the evil one, to all the evil desires of the corrupted nature of your self. And only then can you be conquerors of the world, conquerors of yourselves, conquerors of the evil one.
Yes, the corrupted nature, which is the fruit of the original sin with which each one is born, makes the desire for glories, pleasures, worldly vanities spring up in the heart.
Yes, the corrupted nature desires these things, Satan offers temptation and if the human being does not have My Flame of Love for God and for Me, he exchanges God for the world, he exchanges My son Jesus betraying Him like Judas for the vile coins of goods, pleasures, vanities, applause of this world.
Only with My Flame of Love can the soul renounce and say no to all this, overcome all this and be superior to all this.
This flame of Mine I have given to the Saints and Martyrs, who have asked Me for this grace and desired this grace with all the strength of their hearts. I am willing to give it to all those who want it so that they may attain true holiness.
You My little son desired this grace and asked Me for this flame with all your strength 30 years ago. And I gave it to you, because you renounced everything, your own will, your plans, your personal desires to please only Me, to love only Me, to serve and dedicate yourself only to Me.
Therefore, you have become very worthy to have My Flame of Love. You received it and you increased it day after day, year after year with more prayers, more renunciations sacrificing all that you loved most for love of Me: your quiet, your peace, your dreams, your personal plans, the love of your dearest, most expensive people.
You sacrificed your reputation, your name, your honor, your family, your health, your youth, your body, your soul totally for Me.
How can I deny anything to you? How can I not give all of Myself to you too? How can I not give all My Flame of Love to you and whatever grace you want for the salvation of your soul? No, I cannot deny you anything, I cannot deny anything to one who has denied Me nothing.
I cannot fail to give everything to one who has given everything to Me, everything for Me. Therefore, your desire to receive My Flame of Love to the maximum degree so that you become incessant Flame of Love for Me, which suffers no interruption neither day nor night will be realized. Yes, your dream will be realized, and soon, because you, My child, are most worthy of this grace and many more.
If My children throughout the world were like you and imitated you I would also give them this flame, but they are still so far away and are so different from you, they still have so many personal desires, so many attachments, they still seek so many things that are not My Flame of Love. And they so often exchange My son and Me like Judas for the vile coins: of applause, of worldly, earthly pleasures, for their own will, for their own personal plans.
So My Flame of Love cannot enter them and cannot accomplish anything. And My plan is always further delayed, retarded and failed because I need apostles like you and they do not want this.
So unfortunately you are burdened with the weight of so many responsibilities, tasks and also crosses, sufferings to atone for the sins they commit.
Yes, all that has happened to you are crosses to atone for the sins of others. But be strong My child and do not be discouraged, because the greater your cross the greater will also be your prize, your reward, your crowns of glory in Heaven and the greater will also be the victory.
I am always with you and I will never leave you. Yes, continue to grow more and more in My Flame of Love, so that this flame, when it reaches the maximum degree united to Mine: blinds, neutralizes, annihilates once and for all My enemy and his henchmen. And finally, may My Immaculate Heart triumph throughout the world, causing the mystical light of My Heart to dissipate all darkness once and for all and bring the light of the New Heavens and the New Earth to the whole world.
May My children continue to pray My Rosary every day with their hearts, for it is a sure way to reach My Flame of Love, to possess it and to radiate it to the whole world.
Happy is the one who remains united, very well united to the one who has My Flame of Love, for he will assimilate this flame and burn in this flame just as a person who approaches a fire, receives the heat from it and is completely warmed and scorched by it.
I will transform this soul into the very likeness of My Heart scorched by the Flame of Love of the Holy Spirit, I will mold it. And just as a metal thrown into the fire melts and acquires the shape of the vessel into which it is thrown. So too, this soul will become like My Heart and will acquire the shape of My own Heart ablaze with the mystical Flame of Love for the Lord.
Only when the soul possesses My Flame of Love will the Holy Spirit come to it and make dwelling in it with Me as I have done in your soul My beloved child. And only when all the souls of the world possess My Flame of Love will the Second Pentecost finally take place.
It will be through your voice, through your work, through the meditated Rosaries made by you, through the movies made by you burning with love for Me that this flame of Mine will spread and finally attract the Holy Spirit to the world.
As for you My little son Carlos Thaddeus, rejoice in the son I have given you in whom I dwell with the Holy Spirit night and day, and who so young, so young has become very worthy to possess My Flame of Love.
Unite yourself more and more to him, assimilate yourself more and more to him and you too will have this Flame of Love of Mine to the highest degree becoming an unceasing Flame of Love.
Rejoice because I have not revealed all the things I have told you in these 7 years of messages, to the great and the wise of this world, but I have revealed to you My much loved child whom I jealously guard in My Immaculate Heart.
You are Mine and you must continue to follow the path I have marked out for you. Open your understanding and your heart to mystical, supernatural love in pure transformation so that you may, like the son I gave you, become an unceasing Flame of Love.
It is the path of mystical ascetic theology that you must follow to climb to the greatest heights of holiness, love and union with God.
I am with you and have given you a son who leads you to this path and who will lead you and you for your part must heal his humanity with the love of your heart. And so, in this ceaseless exchange of love of the two souls of father and son, the two will grow in true love and rise to the greatest heights of this love, this union and this total life in God.
I, desire that My children continue to pray the meditated Rosary of My little son Marcos, recorded by him, every day. For it is the one that most removes swords of pain from My Heart.
With it you will feel and grow in true love for Me. You will feel the need to love Me, to console Me, to make amends for Me, to dedicate your lives to Me imitating in this way My little son Marcos in true love for My Sorrowful Heart.
I love all those who spread My messages, work and suffer for Me, they will be rewarded by My son largely in life but much more at the hour of death.
Those who work with My little son Marcos making My images will be rewarded by My son Jesus abundantly at the hour of death, with many great graces that will open for them the right path to Paradise.
I bless you all with love now: from Pontmain, from Fatima and from Jacareí."
(Most Holy Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives there I will be alive carrying the great graces of the Lord with My daughter Tatiana and Livia.
I bless you all again to be happy and I leave you My peace.
Continue My son Marcos, spreading to the whole world the miracle of the candle flame* that I performed on your body, as I did with My little daughter St. Bernadette. Confirming once and for all the truth of My Apparitions here to you, because this great miracle until today, inexplicable for human beings is the great light that I make shine in this time of so many and dense darkness of confusion and apostasy.
To all I leave peace."
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary