Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Apparition and Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace and Saint Tatiana on July 17, 2023

Only Love Will Make Your Works Valid and Pleasing before God and My Heart


JACAREÍ, JULY 17, 2023




(Most Holy Mary): "My children, today I call you all once again to Love!

Only love will make your works valid and pleasing before God and My Heart. Nothing is above Love: neither Laws, nor precepts, nor anything else that exists in the world.

Love for God, love for Me, is above everything. And it is precisely at this time that I am pierced by the sword of My children's lack of love for Me. For they betray My love and My presence by denying it, preferring anything else to Me.

Therefore, I tell you little children: Place love above all else and desire it, desire My Flame of Love, for only it can give you the strength to become the great Saints that I have come here to seek.

Continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day, the Rosary of Tears and be faithful to the Hour of Peace* at the time I have established for it to be prayed.

I bless you all with love: from Pontmain, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."

(Saint Tatiana): "My beloved brothers, I, Tatiana, servant of the Lord and of our Most Holy Queen, come today to tell you: Seek love, desire it in your hearts.

Create in your hearts the true Flame of Love for the Lord and for the Mother of God by renouncing yourselves and your will and doing only the will of God.

Only when your heart is filled with the Flame of Love of the Mother of God will you truly bear the fruits of holiness that She desires from all of you.

I have come to understand that the secret of holiness is love, that holiness is love at its height, is the height of love. That is why I have become a great saint.

Try to create within yourselves this love for God and for the Mother of God above all things and you will truly reach holiness with ease.

I love everyone, I intercede for everyone and I protect everyone, especially I protect you My most beloved Marcos, whom I love so much and whom I have protected for a long time.

You also understood that nothing is more important than love, than love for God and the Blessed Mother, and that nothing, nothing is above that. You have preferred this love, and therefore this love has also preferred and will always prefer you.

I bless you and everyone with great love now.


Saint Tatiana was a Christian martyr in 3rd-century Rome during the reign of Emperor Severus Alexander.

She was the daughter of a Roman civil servant who was secretly Christian, and raised his daughter in the faith. This was dangerous, and one day the jurist Ulpian captured Tatiana and attempted to force her to make a sacrifice to Apollo. She prayed, and miraculously, an earthquake destroyed the Apollo statue and part of the temple.

Tatiana was then blinded, and beaten for two days, before being brought to a circus and thrown into the pit with a hungry lion. But the lion did not touch her and lay at her feet. She was then sentenced to death, and after being tortured, Tatiana was beheaded with a sword on January 12, around AD 225 or 230.

"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"

The Face of Love of Our Lady

Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.

Information: +55 12 99701-2427

Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP

Video of the Apparition

Watch this full Cenacle

Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"

Purchase from the Shrine precious items and help in the work of Salvation of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace

Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...

The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí

The Miracle of the Candle

Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei

The Most Holy Rosary

The Rosary of Tears of Our Lady

The Holy Hour of Peace*

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Apparition of Our Lady at Pontmain

The Apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes



