Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Apparition and Message of Our Lady on May 13, 2023 - 106th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions
I Have Come from Heaven to Tell All My Children That in the End My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph…

JACAREÍ, MAY 13, 2023
(Marcos): "Yes, yes, today is one of the most beautiful days of the year for Me. Yes...
I thank you, with all My heart. And I take this opportunity to ask the Lady, I really want to know. Is Mr. José Anselmo already in Heaven?
Thank you, for giving that poor servant the honor of taking to him the Lady's messages here, they saved his life, they saved his soul.
I am only a servant, I did only what I had to do.
I rejoice! I don't worry anymore."
(Blessed Mary): "My dear son Marcos, today, when you celebrate here together with these My children with such emotion and love the Anniversary of My first Apparition in Fatima to My Three Little Shepherds, I come from Heaven again to say: I came from Heaven!
I came from Heaven, to bring to Earth, at Fatima, My Message of Prayer and Conversion for all mankind.
I have come from Heaven, to announce that the War would soon be over if everyone prayed the Rosary every day. And that all Wars could be removed and cancelled with the powerful prayer of My Rosary that everything could change.
I have come from Heaven, to cause all men to lift their eyes and hearts from the Earth, to look up to Heaven to the Paradise from which I came and where I prophesied My beloved Shepherds would go. So that then, all My children would remember that the purpose of their creation, of their existence is not Earth, but Heaven.
I have come from Heaven, to call all My children to Prayer and Penance, that can appease the Wrath of Divine Justice justly offended by men, and achieve Mercy.
I have come from Heaven, to say that in this world My children, you will never find true peace and happiness, but only in God, only in the things of Heaven. So let go and detach your hearts from earthly things, and fix your thoughts and hearts on God. And then, you will find and feel the true joy from which springs true peace.
I have come from Heaven, to announce that if mankind would continue to offend God and not listen to My Messages that I have given from La Salette, Paris, Lourdes and Pontmain, a new and worse War would come, and many other Wars still, until it would end up exterminating mankind completely. And that only Conversion, Sacrifice and Prayer can guarantee you a future of peace, happiness and joy.
I have come from Heaven to tell all My children that in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph over Satan and his evil forces. And then, I will bring to the world a new time of grace, peace, holiness and love for God.
Here in Jacarei, I have come again from Heaven to finish what I began in Fatima. And finally, to lead all humanity through the work, the word, and the work of My little son Marcos: to perfect conversion, to perfect sanctification, to perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity and to the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
I have come from Heaven here in Jacareí, to say that soon not only the last part of My Secret of Fatima, but also all the Secrets that I have given to My little son Marcos and other chosen children will be fulfilled. Finally, the power of Hell will be annihilated, Satan will once again be chained in the hellish abyss from which he can no longer come out, and My Immaculate Heart will triumph!
Yes, My son Marcos, in your person I have again made the Message of Fatima shine and re-shine throughout the world. Through the films you have made of My apparitions at Fatima that explain My pain, My suffering, and My affliction to see that up to this day My messages are not known and obeyed, especially by those who have a greater duty to receive, obey, and spread them.
My Immaculate Heart in you will accomplish the great Triumph of My Heart. Yes, through you Fatima has shone for My children all over the world. And finally everything that was not understood and comprehended was taught, was shown and clarified to all My children.
Now they understand what I want, what I desire, My pain and they already know the path they must follow to help Me save the souls of My children, bring peace to the world and make My Immaculate Heart triumph.
Yes, in its weariness over so many months of making those films of My Apparitions at Fatima, My Heart has found and received the mystical power of sacrificial love, of obedient love, of the merits of burning love for Me. With which I could truly touch the hearts of so many of My children who saw these films.
Yes, in their weariness carrying My Pilgrim MTA from town to town, for My children for so many days, so many months. My Immaculate Heart withdrew, received the meritorious power of her fervent and burning love, to then pour graces on so many souls that should be lost, but were touched by grace, converted and saved, and pour peace on nations in war and conflict.
Yes, in your weariness, making so many cenacles, spreading My Message of Fatima. In your weariness, doing so many, many lectures to explain to My children the true meaning of My Fatima Message. The value of My Apparitions at Fatima and how through Fatima I saved the world from World War III 40 years ago.
I received then, the meritorious value of your love, your praise, your commitment and your effort to make My children understand the mystery of My Fatima Apparition.
And I was then able to offer the Holy Trinity a great meritorious value of love, to be able to cancel so many punishments that the world deserves and to achieve mercy.
Yes, in your effort to go to My Fatima Shrine, film everything and show everything to My children all over the world, suffering and getting so tired. My Immaculate Heart received the meritorious power it needed to be able to make it so that on the eve of the centennial of My Fatima Apparition, the truth about Fatima, the true deep meaning of My Message at Fatima, and My grief over My Fatima message still not being understood, obeyed and responded to as it should be.
Then My Immaculate Heart could truly obtain there the merits it needed, the meritorious value it required, to act with even greater power and extraordinary grace for the salvation of all My children.
Yes, My Apostle of Fatima, My Fatimist Knight, thanks to you My Immaculate Heart from My Holm made My maternal voice heard by so many of My children who were sleeping and dying spiritually in the darkness of ignorance and evil.
For all this, My little son, I am immensely grateful to you and I will give you today the grace to ask for a blessing, a grace of protection, or of any other nature for anyone you want.
And I already know that you will also ask Me for your father Carlos Tadeu, I will also give him an extraordinary grace of protection, of blessing, or of any other nature that you want today. And also, on tomorrow I will give you again the grace to ask for 3 new souls.
My beloved son, thus I reward the countless efforts you have made to make Me loved, known, obeyed and consoled by so many of My children.
Onward, My Knight of Fatima, there are still many souls who need to know My Fatima Message in order to be saved. You must seek them out, you must take the light to them.
Do not hide, do not be silent, do not cower before anything. Forward, as always, My unstoppable warrior. And forward too, all My children helping the righteous one, My chosen one, My chosen one to make My Message of Fatima known to all My children.
So, give 10 movies of My Apparition at Fatima #2 to 10 of My children who don't know it. So that in this way, My children will understand My pain and live My Fatima Message so that My Immaculate Heart will finally be obeyed and triumph throughout the world.
I bless you My little son Marcos, My Knight of Fatima.
I also bless your father Carlos Thaddeus, whom you love with all your heart, and I bless My son André, whom you also love with all your soul and for whom you have special solicitude.
I also bless My children here present, especially also My son Friar Geraldo who has also always loved My Fatima apparition with special affection.
I bless My children, who from near or far have come to know the Message of Fatima and have truly opened their hearts to My Immaculate Heart and like My little shepherds have let My flame of love, My light, enter them.
All My children I bless generously now: from Lourdes, from Fatima and from Jacareí."
(Blessed Mary): "As I have already said, wherever one of these holy objects arrives, there I will be alive carrying with Me the great graces of the Lord.
To all, again I bless you so that you may be happy and especially again to you My little son Andre.
Thank you, for the joy, consolation and friendship that you bring to My little son Marcos. You are good not only for his soul, not only for his spirit when you are here, but even for his physical health.
I thank you for restoring My son Marcos' strength, with your friendship and your love. His humanity is tired, is crushed by the weight of the trials, the sufferings, the misunderstandings, the betrayals, the criticism, the slanders, the people who in the shadows are Satan's followers and plot to harm this Shrine of Mine and him. And all of this greatly affects the physical health of My son Marcos.
Your presence here brings him comfort, psychological consolation that makes his physical health improve and recover.
Thank you for the good, for the charity you do for him. Continue My son, this is love, and this makes the thorns leave My Immaculate Heart, because love removes a multitude of thorns that the world carves in My Immaculate Heart.
Attend to what My son Marcos asks of you, be docile, let yourself be led, guided by him, assimilate yourself, resemble him, unite yourself to his heart ever more
"I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace! I have come from Heaven to bring peace to you!"
Every Sunday there is Cenacle of Our Lady in the Shrine at 10 am.
Information: +55 12 99701-2427
Address: Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, nº300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí-SP
Listen to the Radio "Mensageira da Paz"
Since February 7, 1991, the Blessed Mother of Jesus has been visiting the Brazilian land in the Apparitions of Jacareí, in the Paraíba Valley, and transmitting Her Messages of Love to the world through Her chosen one, Marcos Tadeu Teixeira. These celestial visits continue until today, know this beautiful story that began in 1991 and follow the requests that Heaven makes for our salvation...
The Apparition of Our Lady at Jacareí
Prayers of Our Lady of Jacarei